Rough hair at demarcation line. How do I make it smoother?


Active Member
So my hair is rough at the point where the relaxed meets the natural. When I flatiron like once a month the natural/relaxed hair parts are relatively smooth and that line is ROUGH! I don't know what I can do to help besides cutting and I am not ready for the BC.

DC with them
use ceramide rich products

check out the ceramide challenge if you need more info.
Maybe its scab hair. When a person just bcs and shares it all off sometimes the hair that grows out is still affected by the previous chemicals. Since your transitioning that would explain why you feel that roughness at the line of demarcation.I would definitely do a good dc. And moisturize in sections babysitting those areas. Eventually scab hair effects wear off.
Before, I did the big chop I would use Neutrogena Triple Recovery Mask on those rough patches of hair. I would apply it to only those rough spots of hair, and cover it with a shower cap for about thirty minutes. I did that about once a week for a few weeks. It seemed to work out very well.

I would suggest Sillicon mix if theres one product that melts my hair like butter and make it soft is sillicon mix DC... when I stretch sometimes my new growth is just out of control. When I use the DC I can smooth my hair on my head easily. Of course you have to be gentle because its very fragile. So far so good, I did not find anything that smooths my hair as much.
