ROTTEN EGG SMELL post-relaxer


New Member
there's GOT to be some kind of conditioning, moisturizing, proteining product that you can apply POST RELAXER to take that awful smell away....HELP! SOMEBODY, please (i even went so far as to type in "rotten egg smell" in the search and only one item came up. i'm not looking for a "cover-up"--but something that can do 2 jobs at once, if it exists. thanks in advance.
PS PhytoSpecific relaxer, is the b-o-m-b, btw....(no pun intended)
it's now my new relaxer of choice. passes the "feel" test with flying colors.
lol !! i dont mean to laugh (im laughing WITH you, not AT you...btw i have to get a relaxer tomorrow so i know how you feel). just try washing it in a few days with a very nice smelling shampoo and conditioner ( Keracare has a great smell and so does Design essentials...and so does dominican products like Miss Key and silicon mix and dominican rinses). When i was younger (this is really bad) i used to mist perfume or body spray on my hair to mask the smell of my motions relaxer :grin: im sure someone will post better ideas :look:

I know exactly what you are talking about! I had this problem but I haven't had a relaxer in a while. I discussed the odor with my stylist and have not had the problem in about 3 relaxer. Let me check my threads and see if I can help you. Good luck!

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thanks everybody!
i guess it will have to wait until i wash again in a couple of days (i might get impatient & do it sooner....hopefully my hair won't fall out:look:)