Rosewater & Other Essential Waters (+ a pic of my hair!)


New Member
For some reason, I can't find any of the old threads about this via Google or the LHCF search engine.

When it comes to Rosewater, what exactly does it do for your hair?
What are the best brands to use?
And what is the average price? I know Whole Foods/Ellwood Thompson sells relatively small bottles for $8. :perplexed

These are the two I bought from one of the local indian stores:



And this was the expensive as :nono: one I bought from the health food store:

And just so y'all can see what my hair looks like since i BC'd last june. This is 2nd's day refreshed hat hair, haha:
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Rosewater is a moisturizer (distilled water and rose oil). I have purchased Laxmi and Key brands at Indian store for less than $4. It is also very nice to use on face or body after shower.

eta: It is a hydrosol and your curls are gorgeous :yep:
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i get rosewater from my indian store for 2.99 but they have the pink bottle you posted on vitacost 8 oz for $6... i usually mix rosewater with either aloe vera juice or gel and jojoba oil and use it as a spritz/moisturizer
I don't use it often but I do have this one which I found in the Latino section of CVS drugstore. The description says it protects & softens the skin. This one contains Glycerin though as well a cone, so it's not just Rosewater. It's about $3.00


My sis has the heritage health brand and I sprayed it on my hair yesterday and I liked it. It's really moisturizing. It's good to use as a toner too
I get my rosewater from the Indidan store, $3/bottle. I use it in a spray bottle with glycerin, SAA, and aloe vera juice. I spritz my hair before I go under the steamer (also have conditioner on my hair under the steamer).

I can feel the difference (for the worse) in my hair when I don't use my spritz when steaming.
I used it once and it really moisturized my hair and skin, but i didn't repurchase because it was pretty expensive for such a small bottle. I had gotten it at a Health Food Store, so I might try the Indian store to see if they carry it since they seem to have better prices!
does it make a big difference adding the glycerin? especially in the winter?

I live in an area where the dew point is usually high so I don't worry too much about the glycerin. I think you don't want to use glycerin if the dew point is less than 40. I only use this spray when steaming. I rinse my hair out after steaming.