ROSEWATER: how come no one else is raving about it!?

I started using it on my twists with some glycerin and distilled water for a baggy treatment. My twists feel so lush.
I am going to attempt to make it at home by steeping dried buds (from this co-op market that sells bulk herbs) in boiling water.
I've been using Rosewater for some years now. I love it! I use it on my hair, face and as a perfume(sometimes). In the summer I like to spray all over when I'm really hot(it's really refreshing). I buy my either at Wholefoods or the local health store.
Hmm... sounds interesting... :scratchch:
I've seen this in the Indian grocery and didn't know anything about it. I might try it, especially since summer's coming up.
I LOVE Rosewater!!!! My hair soaks it up! I started using it in 2005, then forgot all about it. Until recently I purchased some and wondered why I ever stopped using it!
I love rosewater...this is awesome cause I never tried it in my hair, only as a refresher for my skin...I used to get the one by Heritage at whole foods but now I think I'm going to try Patel tomorrow after class if its cheaper :)
I've read about the lovely benefits of rosewater on the skin and in the hair from my studies in Ayurveda and natural remedies. I would LOVE to try this, since I adore the scent of roses, and use a light leave-in spritz daily anyway. Can't hurt! ☻
I love rosewater...this is awesome cause I never tried it in my hair, only as a refresher for my skin...I used to get the one by Heritage at whole foods but now I think I'm going to try Patel tomorrow after class if its cheaper :)

Plz let me know if Patel's has it and price--I may hit up the Patel's in my neck of the woods.
Rosewater is the truth! I love it mixed with glycerine for my grass. My hair loved it while relaxed, when sprouting ng, and now as a natural. It's also great for the skin. I will NEVER be without this.
Oh yeah:grin: I jumped on the rosewater/glycerin bandwagon a few months ago and I absolutely love it. I use it for moisture.
Uh-oh...Looks like I'm going to need to jump pn the bandwagon myself...Rosewater seems to be a jack of all trades...good for skin, good for hair, good for food...Where have I been and why didn't I know about the benefits of Rosewater before now? Thanks, OP!
I am going to make some tomorrow. My hubby bought me some roses for our 3 year anniversary the other day and I can't wait to use them to make creams and rose water. I have been searching for recipes a lot.
I started using rosewater a couple of months too (thanks to Traycee's comments) and am really pleased with the results. The brand I use is Khiel's (sp?) and it contains glycerin. I've been using it as part of my daily moisturizing routine. It also works great with roller sets. I don't even use setting lotion anymore.
Cowboy Magic Conditioner/Detangler has ROSEWATER, maybe that's one of the benefits I enjoy so much, I have never used rosewater alone.
This is a great moisturizer for me. I had gotten some but only used it sporatically (I was using too many things to tell what was working). Picked it back up a few days ago thanks to this thread- LOVE IT! I mixed it with glycerine in my spray bottle as a daily moisturizer, then sealing with a mix of EVCO & a drop of JBCO. It's very moisturizing without weighing my hair down and smells nice. This is a keeper!
I'm loving the reviews!! any thing negative about this rosewater? or did some people feel it didn't work to well. I think I'm going to pick some up this weekend.
I just started using it with glycerin, after co washing and leaving the conditioner in my hair...I use it on top of the conditioner and rub it in and define the curl...I have stopped using Gel to see what the results would far great!!!!! My hair is extremly soft and the curls are defined....So as long as I dont touch it, its pretty good...This is a keeper for me
So glad to see this thread! I ordered some with my last iherb order on a whim & wasn't really sure how I was going to use it. I am now planing to mix it with some aloe vera & use it on my twists.
I have been using it mixed with glycerin on my hair (currently braids with extensions) and on my baby's hair for about a month. It really keeps our hair moisturised and smelling nice to boot! And you can get it at almost every pharmacy.