Rosewater & Glycerin


New Member
Ok I just bought this product from Whole Foods Market along with Nature Gate Aloe Vera Conditioner, Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Hair Treatment and a Vitamin E Stick.....

I've heard alot of you ladies use Rosewater & Glycerin..Or whatever mixture it comes in...But this product says that its for skin...but Im going to give it a try anyway....

Any reviews on this product???
I was just reading about this product and contemplating buying it last week, and again yesterday. I haven't purchased yet, still thinking about it. It's definitely on my "to buy" list though, because I think it would be very beneficial for my hair and scalp. The one I want to buy looks a lot like yours in packaging, actually. It's also recommended for skin, but the label says for hair rinsing/application as well.
I keep a bottle of that in my bag during the winter. Yes it is very good stuff.

Actually its good all over :yep: Just be careful not to use too much, it can make your hair feel a bit tacky.

i have that! or i should say, I did have that! About a year ago I purchased it. Its great but like it was said, don't use tooo much, it gets a lil gummy. when It finished I just remade my own. I havent used it yet because i was reading about cold weather and glycerin but as soon as its hot consistently I'm back on it!
well im going to use it as a daily hair moisturizer for my that good enough??
I dont really know how to use it..
I just bought this today from Whole Foods before I saw this post. It looked good so I bought it. I reallly have no idea what to do with it so i just sprayed it on my ends and new growth. They feel soft and moisturized.
I plan on using it in the summer with glycerine which works well with humidity.

Someone tell me, can the rosewater/glycerine... etc. combo keep twists or curls from looking fuzzy?
That is the rosewater I use in my spritzes. Love the stuff. Also use it on my body.

I use this in the summer with glycerine on my hair and my legs particularly when I wear skirts, shorts or dresses.

As for keeping down fuzzy hair I think if you create the right mix for your hair it should work.
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