Rosemary & Cinnamon Oil


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of or used a product called Cinnamon and Rosemary Oil. It's made by Alopecil and I believe it is a Dominican product. It smells heavenly. You are supposed to massage it into your scalp for 10 to 30 minutes then wash out. I did a search because I thought someone mentioned this product a few months back, but I couldnt find anything.

Dang, I am always picking stuff no one knows about,
Well, if it turns out to be a hit, I will definitely share. I know about rosemary oil, Im not too sure about cinnamon, but Im going to research it. Sounds like a really good combination for scalp stimulation though.
Do a search on Apretadora. I think it's the same thing.
I didn't like it. I call it "Tangles in a Jar".
It didn't even tingle on my scalp.
The Capilo and Tropical Cinnamon conditioners tingle more.
Honey I tried the Alopecil oil and I still have some sitting under my bathroom sink. I would use it as a pre-shampoo treatment for a few hours. It tingles slightly and that's it, my hair did slow down on the shedding after doing this 2 weeks in a row.
Thanks divayoki (cute name)! I figured I'd go ahead and try it then be prepared for possible tangling. I'll just follow up with a good shampoo and conditioner that gives a lot of slip. If I dont like it, I can always mix it in with something else.

Youre right Sassygirl, you never know.