Roots n Cultureeeeeee


New Member
ay ppl i need help im natural 4a/b and i have a tramendous ammount of new growth bout 1inch-1 1/2. And its really tightly coiled, it i unoticable until u stretch it. Im fighting with it, its making my hair hard to manage. But i am not winning. Theres a civil war going on here in my fro...HELP needs to be softened or something...oh and i am not putting any heat on it..

p.s yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fro is growing
When I want softness & moisture, I use curl activator gel and spray. It works really well, but I don't use it that often because I like for my hair to have a little crunch.
Try a mix of carefree curl gold curl activator and an oil moisturizer to damp roots, this stuff always softens my roots when they get tight.