Roots Feel Great! Root Feel Like Straw! :(

Ms Kraft

New Member
Ends Feeling Great! Roots Still Feel Like Straw! :(

Hi. I need some advise, please. My hair is growing very well and my ends are soft and strong. It feels like silk. They are holding a curl better and all is becoming right with my hair world, until you start going up the hair and get closer to the roots. About two inches of hair from my scalp is dry, dry, dry. It's weird. Usually, from what I read, it should be the other way around, right? No matter what I seem to do, it's just dry, especially in the crown area. This is the driest, most damaged part of my head. The area is getting thicker and stronger, but this is still the area where I experience my breakage and it's like straw. Any ideas on products or strategy to help get the root area as soft and supple as the ends are now:confused::confused::confused:
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I say add Flaxseed oil to your vitamin supplements, it will help moisturize your hair and scalp from the inside. In the meantime, add some EVOO and honey to you DC, you may even have to moisturize that area twice daily until you see results then maybe you can cut down to once a day. Alot of pple like to use Wild Growth Oil on their NG and or S curl. HTH's
I am going through the same thing. It seems that the further along I get closer to my next relaxer, my just won't hold moisture at all. I are easier to get and stay smooth but my roots are crunchy too. Maybe someone will give us some advice.
I'm 4b relaxed and know my roots or new growth is curlier, courser and tends to be generally dryer than the relaxed portion of my hair. That is, my natural texture is quite different from the relaxed texture and the longer I'm post touchup, the more noticeable it becomes --also the more prone to breakage if I manipulate my hair too much. If your hair is relaxed, your roots and ends will not necessarily feel or look the same.

My solution, do all my detantling, moisturizing, etc. on wash days when my hair is saturated with condish and leave my roots strictly alone until the next wash day, especially if I'm more than 8 weeks post relaxer. I stretch to 12 weeks and by week 8, the new growth is evident and I detangle, moisturize, oil, etc. ONLY when wet, once my hair dries, I'm not "touching" the roots until I wash again the following week.

I think its great that your ends are doing well 'cause the key to gaining length is RETAINING YOUR ENDS -- if your ends are not breaking off, don't worry so much about your roots so long as your keeping it clean and moisturized from wash to wash. After all, new growth is the evidence that your hair is growing and smooth, nice, moisturized ends are evidence that you'll KEEP your length.

So long my ends not breaking of, I don't stress too much about my roots 'cause its growing and even though it's a bit dryer, I just try to take care of it on wash days and forget about it the rest of the time.
Thank you everyone for such great advise. I think I'm over thinking this "growing my hair" thing :lachen:I will start saturating the roots more and then keep the comb far away from them while styling. I will also try adding honey and evoo to my conditioner to see if that will help, too.

You guys are awesome! I'll let you know how it turns out.:)