Rollersetting tangles


Okay, I just spent at least an hour trying to get through the tangles in order to give myself a smooth rollerset. Let me tell you what I did. I shampooed with CON, conditioned with Dark and lovely Cholesterol, then I applied my homemade leave in which consists of a moisturizing conditioner, olive oil, and distilled water. First of all, my hair dryed incredibly fast, not sure why-- maybe the leave in. When I rollerset, I use small sections, part as I go, and start from the back. I could hardly get the comb through. My hair was not soft at all and the tangles were terrible. I tried to be as gentle as I could but this was very frustrating. :wallbash: Finally, after an hour, I got through it. Ladies, please tell me if you have ever experienced this and if so, what product did you use. I need something that will detangle my new growth especially and that will leave my hair soft. I don't wanna go through this again. I'm 5 weeks post relaxer as of today. Maybe this could have been the problem. Please help!
I'm sorry you had such a tough time. Was this the first time you used these products or this specific combo? I ask because I've never found cholesterol to be especially detangling, but if its worked for you in the past, then maybe its something else. Right off the top I'd say try the following things:
- Wash your hair in the shower and detangle under the water stream using a shower comb
- Do a final rinse using a creme rinse or cheap moisturizing conditioner
- Use a leave in that detangles. My favorite is Pantene Light because it does the job and is inexpensive

luvSLave said:
I'm sorry you had such a tough time. Was this the first time you used these products or this specific combo? I ask because I've never found cholesterol to be especially detangling, but if its worked for you in the past, then maybe its something else. Right off the top I'd say try the following things:
- Wash your hair in the shower and detangle under the water stream using a shower comb
- Do a final rinse using a creme rinse or cheap moisturizing conditioner
- Use a leave in that detangles. My favorite is Pantene Light because it does the job and is inexpensive

Thanks luvSlave, funny you should mention this. I just did a search for detanglers, and it seems like a lot of people really like Pantene Light detangling conditioning spray. Now I just have to find somewhere on the internet that sells it.

To be honest, I don't know what happened, but this set was completely chaotic. I nearly gave up halfway through, and I consider myself a pro at setting. I do it at least twice a week. I'm going to follow your other suggestions also. Someone mentioned somewhere on this site to not towel dry the hair. Leave the hair wet, but pat it a couple of times. I'll experiment with this as well. Off to search for pantene!
I recommend using a conditioner that gives your hair lots of slip. LUST (L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment) gives my hair slip galore. Once the hair is tangle free and you start parting your hair to rollerset, you should always gives the section that you're ready to roll a final 'comb thru' with a smaller tooth comb. This will allow it to smooth out nicely before rolling it on the roller. As LuvSlave mentioned, Pantene conditioners are good too. They also provide my hair with lots of slip. Also when I roller set my hair, I make sure my hair is soaking wet. I never use a towel on my hair (even when I don't roller set). I use the towel to drape my shoulders only. The homemade leave-in that you mentioned, have you ever used it for roller setting before?
Allandra said:
I recommend using a conditioner that gives your hair lots of slip. LUST (L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment) gives my hair slip galore. Once the hair is tangle free and you start parting your hair to rollerset, you should always gives the section that you're ready to roll a final 'comb thru' with a smaller tooth comb. This will allow it to smooth out nicely before rolling it on the roller. As LuvSlave mentioned, Pantene conditioners are good too. They also provide my hair with lots of slip. Also when I roller set my hair, I make sure my hair is soaking wet. I never use a towel on my hair (even when I don't roller set). I use the towel to drape my shoulders only. The homemade leave-in that you mentioned, have you ever used it for roller setting before?

Yes Allandra, I have used the homemade leave in before for rollersetting. I actually think that this is making my hair dry too fast. Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to try it for the next set.
luvSLave said:
Classic. Here's a link:

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see what the bottle looks like.

ETA: You shouldn't have to purchase this online. They sell it in just about every grocery or drugstore.

Luvslave, I'm stationed overseas with my hubby. If they don't have it in the PX, I'll have to purchase it online. Can't wait to get to Georgia so that I'll have access to a bss.
I find that your hair ( the section that you are rolling) must be wet....

Do you have a spray bottle on hand to spray whenever you move around you head?

My spray bottle has a mix of mostly water, with alittle Keracare foam wrap and alittle bit of Pantene Detangling. I did this because I noticed when I went to the salon, they sprayed my hair but it didnt look like plain water, so I added those extras and it helps. Last week @5 months post, this helped me get thru my head, I also had to take my time, it took me an 1hr and 1/2 to set my hair.

I also found out in my 5 new growth was not the problem, the tangles came after my new growth/ ie. at the line of demarcation, the water made getting thru my new hair easy...once I got to the length, I had to change directions...I had to go to the very end and work my way up....keeping my section very other words, you length cant swing around once you get the comb thru that section...hope that makes sense.

Also, I have a creamy leavin I use all the time, especially after 6 weeks....Rusk Smoother works well for me. Its been mentioned her a few times. I find this leavin helps me comb thru but I discovered that I could get my hair to feel even smoother and moisturized by putting Lacio Lacio on my Rusk goes on my root area and all around lightly then Lacio at the ends.

I HTH.....also gentle detangling in the shower works for me until 10 weeks Id say, after that I try to refrain if I can.....Put conditioner in , start from the ends, with a wide tooth comb (shower comb, I have a rake comb I has long teeth and wide tooth)

good luck and dont give patient :)

ETA......sorry I was 4 months post I miscaculated
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