Rollersetting Hair Upwards


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of u rollerset going down, i always do also, however, I have been reading about rollersetting up. I just tried it and it was very hard in terms of positioning the rollers correctly and knowing whether to start from the top or bottom for the sides. Is there a trick to doing this sucessfully, I know certain areas wont be straight or completely dry as there are rollers sitting on top of those sections, I couldnt pull it taught either, any tips?
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I can't give you any tips, but I went to a salon where the hair rollerset upwards and from the results I saw - it leaves no curl, the hair falls flat, no bounce, no nothings...

If you think rollersetting downwards is hard, upwards looks even tricky...

Good Luck
I also tried it stated...harder. Maybe I could do it...and just keep the rollers in overnight.... It's just difficult trying to keep the curlers in place cuz they are going against gravity (my theory). I like the way that type of hairstyle one day...I will try it again.
I remember when I was little my mother always did her hair like that. She had the prettiest almost spiral curls when she took them out. The w the curls were still there she was a teacher and the curls were still there at the end of the day. I knew she always used Lotta Body setting lotion when she did it. Hope that helps. My hair is too short right now to do this. She has type 2c/3a hair
I tried it once because Lauren450 (? I think thats her name, you know the one thats pregnant with BSL hair) does hers this way, but mine came out terrible.:perplexed I get better results doing it the other way.
I wish I could contribute more input but I am still having such a difficult time rolling the hair downwards:lol: , but I will say that when I went to the dom. salon, they rolled some of them upwards and some of them downwards and it came out just fine.

I thought I was getting better with my rollersets, but i am so frustrated that it just took me too darn long (hour and 10 minutes) to do one, so you know I ran into this thread looking for a miracle of rollersetting hair upwards!
I tried rollersetting upwards after Macheriamour said she did it. For me it works better than rollersetting downwards.
I got to fit more rollers in my hair that way and my hair dried faster. My roots were also flatter, which I liked. It saved me having to flat iron them.
Yea, I've seen a lot of dominicans roll upwards with huge 2.5 and 3 inch rollers. The result is super flat hair.

I can tell you that there are many times that I roll my caruso rollers up for a flip style. Sometimes I roll the hair diagonally upward--if that makes any sense to make my hair look fuller.

When rollersetting my own hair, I always roll the hair that is on the sides upwards with smaller rollers. It just makes my hair look straigher and smoother.
I rollerset upwards also. I just find that it allows me to get more rollers on my head and gets my new growth straighter.

I'm not sure if there's any particular tricks :ohwell: . For the sides, I start at the top (as you would for rolling downward)l. In general, I just pull the hair taught and roll as usual.
For years I tried to roller set my hair and it never came out right until I started rolling upward. I love the way it comes out.
sweetcashew said:
I tried rollersetting upwards after Macheriamour said she did it. For me it works better than rollersetting downwards.
I got to fit more rollers in my hair that way and my hair dried faster. My roots were also flatter, which I liked. It saved me having to flat iron them.

Interesting. It makes sense to have straighter roots rolling upwards. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it may be harder to roll upwards with longer hair.
I also rollerset upwards. I just think it takes practice to get the hang of it, because you're changing what you've probably been doing for years.

To get the hair taut on the sides, you have to keep the tension going down as you roll up. (If that makes any sense). Your hands should start out parallel to your shoulders or lower depending on your length, if you start with your hands extended out from your head, you'll end up with the rollers positioned too high.

I've gotten so comfortable rolling up, that I feel weird rolling down.
Well, I'm gonna have to try this. I rollset downward. But when I was a teenager I would use sponge rollers and roll the back of the hair up. It always turned out nice.
I did my first rollerset in years and the rollers were oriented every which way. Some up, some down, some sideways... In the end it didn't matter. I'm the worst rollersetter EVER...but the end result looked fine. I also wrapped my hair afterwards, which smooth out any funky looking curls. BTW I have short layered hair. For me, when my hair was longer it was much easier to rollerset, because I could do several loops with the roller and then secure with a clip.
Thanks ladies, any more input? For the sides, do you let the hair hand straight down and then roll, or do you hold it at an angle?
I'm natural but I tried it since I RS my hair sometimes. Didn't come out as well as when I rollerset downward but it was my 1st time doing it & it felt awkward so hopefully as I get more practice I can get it to look better. I tried to pull my hair taut as I rolled but I still couldn't get the roller to stay tight.
I tried it when Macherieamour posted her thread about it. It works pretty well and rolling up gets the hair flatter against the head. Rolling down makes the hair pouf out a bit and rolling up creates the opposite effect.