Rollersetting experts!

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
I need you!

I want to try rollersetting to scratch the itch that I have to go permanently straight. I'm natural, so will a traditional rollerset under the dryer (maybe with a flat iron afterwards) get my hair straight? Or should I invest in steam rollers instead? I have no experience rollersetting, so can I get some product recommensations too?

Of course, I want to do something that will cause as little damage as possible to my hair.

Thanks in advance!
I went to a dominican salon for a rollerset, then came home and flat ironed it with my FHI ceramic iron. No damage at all and it came out straight. Check out Carefree's album.
I am natural, and my roller set is in my avatar. To get your hair straight, you would have to wrap it afterward. It comes out straight, but with lots of body. Having volume and body is a definie benefit to being natural... :) I think how straght, etc dpends on your hair type as well.
tthreat08 said:
I am natural, and my roller set is in my avatar. To get your hair straight, you would have to wrap it afterward. It comes out straight, but with lots of body. Having volume and body is a definie benefit to being natural... :) I think how straght, etc dpends on your hair type as well.

Sorry for hijacking but I had to say Tthreat08 your hair is gorgeous! I just checked out your album, it's beautiful and I love the rollerset in your avatar. If I may ask how long have you been natural and how long did it take to get to your current length?
chocolate01 said:
Sorry for hijacking but I had to say Tthreat08 your hair is gorgeous! I just checked out your album, it's beautiful and I love the rollerset in your avatar. If I may ask how long have you been natural and how long did it take to get to your current length?

Thank you chocolate01!

I've been natural all of my life. As far as the length...
I am one of those people who gets bored very easily, thus I would frequently cut my hair, and then grow it back. most recently though, I have decided to just let my hair grow out. So from my last major cut (a choppy bob in July 04- I was just below ear length) 'till now (between shoulder and armpit-maybe an inch from armpit) has been a year and 4 months.
tthreat08 said:
I am natural, and my roller set is in my avatar. To get your hair straight, you would have to wrap it afterward. It comes out straight, but with lots of body. Having volume and body is a definie benefit to being natural... :) I think how straght, etc dpends on your hair type as well.

Your roller set looks great! I don't know if I could get it that straight. . .but I'm gonna try with regular rollers and a flat iron. If that doesn't work, I'll try the steam rollers.
classimami713 said:
Your roller set looks great! I don't know if I could get it that straight. . .but I'm gonna try with regular rollers and a flat iron. If that doesn't work, I'll try the steam rollers.

im searching for the best rollerset also for thursday...tonite im gonna try satin sponge rollers and blue flexi rods..doing a combo cuz i dont hve enuff rods....i was told a failed attempt at flexi rods is cuz i didnt have enuff blue ones which r small but not the get it to look really good i should have 15-30...for my ends i dont know if i will reapply anything...they already have baby buttercreme on there and some frenchee grease and mango and lime loc maybe some wgo...i aint sure tho

i am doing my attempt on flat ironed hair.....i have found the best way to get my hair really flat is detangle then take a small tooth comb and run it down my hair in front of the flat this twice on each piece...i break my hair into 4 sections and then into 8 pieces in each of the 4 sections then flat iron...when im done with a piece i put it in a ponytail holder out of my flat iron is 1 inch and is the sally knock off brand....doing this a couple of weeks ago my press job last a full week...contrary to a day....

hope we both can get some slammin curls....
COMPLETELY off subject here...Who is the guy in the shades with the woman on his arm? I'm dying to know!
