Rollersetting 101 for Naturals - Help a sista out!!

Alright ya'll,

So I rollerset my hair yesterday, and even when I was holding my wet hair out in preparation to roll it, I could see my texture. :lachen:I have some seriously strong 4B hair. So I rolled it mohawk style, and could see the texture in the roller as well. I used magnetic rollers. I still have the rollers in, but I know there is no possible way my hair is going to be straight when I take them out, which is fine, I guess. At least I tried. I just don't want a bouffant, though, so I'm considering doing the saran wrap thing if it's looking too Peggy Bundy'ish. :lachen:

Have any 4b (or even 4a) naturals successfully mastered the saran wrap method after a rollerset? If so, any advice?

I'll be sure to post pics later after I take out my rollers...