Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stretch?


With Love & Silk
Are you able to rollerset when you are many weeks post or do you have a cut off week where you stop rollersetting? (because it becomes more difficult with more newgrowth)

TIA :)
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Not quite for sure about the "many weeks" but my longest stretch was about 12-13 weeks and I found that when I went one size up - that helped with the new growth (I normally try to achieve the roller/wrap look) as this not only "stretches" my new growth but also prevents a lot of unnecessary breakage/shedding due to the demarcation line stress as there is not as much manipulation - I would also alternate what I was using to set my hair - I just recently started to incorporate Joico K-Pak Leave In Reconstructor as my setting lotion the last few weeks before a touch up and my sets came out smooth...
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

I can't do it because it's too much manipulation for me and my hair is too fine. I rollerset for the first few weeks, then start doing buns, airdrying and other protective styles like braidouts. Well, at least that's my strategy. My hair seems to grow fastest during the Spring and Summer and co-washes (then, bunning) do wonders for it. I just want fuller, thicker hair. I hate the way my hair is looking after my relaxer. I died it jet black to make it look fuller.
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Are you able to rollerset when you are many weeks post or do you have a cut off week where you stop rollersetting? (because it becomes more difficult with more newgrowth)

TIA :)

Up to 3 weeks post, I rollerset on gray (2") rollers to straighten my hair; I don't use direct heat. Then, I wear twistouts for a few weeks. When I get to about 6 weeks post, I resume rollersetting, but with small (1") rollers to create spiral curls. This style does well at blending my two textures until touchup at 13 or 14 weeks post.
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Not quite for sure about the "many weeks" but my longest stretch was about 12-13 weeks and I found that when I went one size up - that helped with the new growth (I normally try to achieve the roller/wrap look) as this not only "stretches" my new growth but also prevents a lot of unnecessary breakage/shedding due to the demarcation line stress as there is not as much manipulation - I would also alternate what I was using to set my hair - I just recently started to incorporate Joico K-Pak Leave In Reconstructor as my setting lotion the last few weeks before a touch up and my sets came out smooth...

Okay! Of course I have some of that :sekret: (as a true PJ should)
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Okay! Of course I have some of that :sekret: (as a true PJ should)

LOL - I had stopped using it for a minute (don't know why) but when I started using it again for my rollersets - soft, strong and no breakage - beautiful thang!!!
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

No, not at all, in fact I just did a great rollerset yesterday and I'm how many weeks post ... see below
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

as long as im rollersetting after a dc then i have no prob. The dc gets the ng the softest for easy manipulation. I also use much more smaller sections when im many weeks
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Are you able to rollerset when you are many weeks post or do you have a cut off week where you stop rollersetting? (because it becomes more difficult with more newgrowth)

TIA :)

I rollerset my entire stretch which is 14-16 wks. I don't think I would get the tangles out if I did not rollerset. This allows me to comb through each piece of hair. It take more time, but it's not more difficult. Actually, my hair is easier to rollset when there is ng. The first few weeks of a fresh relaxer is harder for me to roll because the hair slips. But that's just me.
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

I find that doing ponytail rollersets helps me the most. I am 14wks post and trying to hold on until I put my braids in next month. I did a Pony set this past weekend and my hair did very well b/c my NG was getting a little out of hand.
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

Are you able to rollerset when you are many weeks post or do you have a cut off week where you stop rollersetting? (because it becomes more difficult with more newgrowth)

TIA :)

It's more difficult but not impossible. It's easier if you detangle by combing each piece that will be rolled instead of trying to detangle your whole head. I also find that instead of using the fine-toothed comb I use right after my relaxer, I have to go a size up when detangling.

I am at the beginning of week 7 right now and I have about 3/4 of an inch of new growth in some places (thank you MT/OCT/Bee Mine) and I still find rollersetting to be healthiest for my hair.
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Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

as long as im rollersetting after a dc then i have no prob. The dc gets the ng the softest for easy manipulation. I also use much more smaller sections when im many weeks

YES! This is really important. It makes it much easier to detangle.
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

When its beyond 8 weeks, I switch to pony tail rollersets, can't deal with the regular sets
Re: Rollersetters, Do You Have Any Trouble Rollersetting Late into Your Relaxer Stret

I'm 12weeks post and I just rollerset during my last wash. My hair is fine but since I started using protein weekly it's very strong and I'm not getting any demarcation breakage. This is the first time that I've been rollersetting this far post and I have no problems. I can even use a rat tail comb to detangle each piece before it hits the roller. I think the key is to make sure you're using a good detangler. That Joico that was mentioned sounds good though. I might look into that too because it probably has protein in it which I need. HTH!