Rollersets vs Pony cheat sets?


Hi ladies,

I've tried to do a traditional rollerset a couple of times and failed miserably so I'm gonna go back to doing the ponytail cheat set (with 4 or 5 ponytails) but I just wanted to ask those that have done either setting method - and especially those that have done both - is there really much of a difference in the finished style?

Say, if the roots are flat ironed after a traditional set or a ponytail set, then are there major differences between the methods? I guess I can't help but feel I may be missing out by not being able to master the 'traditional' rollerset but if there aren't many differences I'll stop stressing about not being a rollersetting guru as I really am not good at it LOL.

Hi Cairo...Ive never tried a pony set but I am considering it as I have been texlaxing for a year now and my roots are becoming difficult to manage. Anyway as I was explaining to another member yesterday...if youre going to flatiron your roots anyway perfection or techinique doesnt really matter. I have been setting my hair myself for 20 years and its still never perfect but I began to realize that it didnt really make a difference in the end because I always straighten my roots anyway (which is usually the part that suffers the most from a bad set). You are only trying to get a "smoothing" effect. Hope this helped and good luck! :yep:
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your replies, that's awesome! I'm so pleased I'm not missing out and will no longer feel bad for not being able to do a traditional set.

I do wonder then why people would do real rollersets if ponytail sets give just as good results and far quicker.

Agreeing with Poka and Allandra. In addition, it seems my hair dries faster in a ponytail set, even if I only do 4-6 tails, which is what I usually do.
Awesome post OP I was wondering if there was a difference also bec I plan to start rollersetting and I wanted to do the ponytails bec it seems easier.. btw Poka ur set was amazing!!
Also co-signing with Pokahontas and all others who think ponytail sets are better. I get straighter roots in less time, and my arms don't hurt from rolling the hair in my crown or the back of my head. IMHO it's much easier.