Rollerset trouble


New Member
Can anyone tell me why after a rollerset I can not finger comb my hair without pieces breaking?
WHen I rollerset, I wash my hair with a moisturizing shampoo (with Paul MItchell Super Skinny, Redken Allsoft, Jojoba Shampoo, Nexxus, Neutrogena Triple Moisture or REdken Cleansing Cream- clarifying shampoo). I, then, deep condition under a hooded dryer (with Paul MItchell Super Skinny, Redken Allsoft, or NTM). I will follow my deep condition with a hot oil treatment. I will proceed to put Infusium 23 on my hair along with NTM leave in. I will part my hair in sections and roll it with magnetic rollers. Lastly sit under a hooded dryer. I even lightly spray oil on it. The hair style comes out nice and it feels firm and soft, but after the first day or two I can not run my fingers through without the hair loss. I do not like this. This discourages me which makes me not want to contine to do rollersets.
Any suggestions or similar experiences?
I know Infusioum has a lot of protein in it. Maybe this is the source of your breakage? Is your hair sensitive to protein?
I agree, my first thought when reading your post was that the Infusium may be the problem. My hair just doesn't like it. Maybe try diluting it with an oil & water. I know alot of ladies dilute their setting lotions.
Before I read your post I thought, hmm... wonder if it's Infusium and sure enough, it's part of your regimen.

When I first came to LHCF I was using Infusium 23 after reading about it in another forum. But it was breaking my hair off left and right! The breakage stopped as soon as I stopped using it. After reading postings from other members, I soon learned it was the protein in it that was the culprit. Some ladies can handle Infusium but I'm not one of them.

Also, not all products, even good products are compatible. I have a couple of exceptions, but I try to stay mostly in the same line, if possible, with my products.
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Infusium did the same to me, i hate it!! I set my hair with NTM leave in and water and it comes out very smooth and soft, no breakage, maybe you can try that.
No I do not use a cream moisturizer. I use hair oil. I do not think my hair does well with cream moisturizer on dry hair.
By the way, thanks ladies. I purchased Infusium thinking it would make my hair stronger. Guess not.