
Hello Ladies,

I know there are about a million Rollerset posts, but I really need help with this one.

I've watched SEVERAL youtube tutorials but still can not seem to get down how to place the roller and pins??:perplexed

I know it may seem simple but everytime I think I'm placing the pins correctly in the rollers, it's never firm. The roller still seems to wobble, and is not secure.

Does anyone have any DETAILED tips or pictures? (or videos)

CLOSE-UP pictures or videos would be great also...

I'm sorry Shaley I don't have any pics, but I do have tips and what helped me. For me there are two ways to get the roller not to wobble. One way and the most used way, is by securing the clip to the base/bottom of the roller after you've rolled it. So after you roll your hair, you hold it as firm as you can to your scalp but not tight, and place the clip on the bottom, so that half of it is above the base of the roller, and the other half is below the roller close to the scalp. I hope that makes sense. The other way (and probably the less confusing way) is to clip the rollers to each other. If you're doing this you might have to do the first roller the first way I mentioned and clip the rest together (putting the clip at the sides of two rollers so they meet). I hope I'm making sense. If not, maybe another member can chime in:yep:
Sorry I don't have pics but I too struggled with pin placement and I felt the pins were snagging my hair when I finally got them in. I found the pins must be strategically placed for them to hold the roller secure. I also found the mohawk method to be the easiest for rollersetting with magnetic rollers but even still, it took me a long time to set my hair because I wanted to be extra careful with the pins. I then decided to use the snap rollers and they work like a charm and I can set my hair in half the time.


ETA: Ponytail rollersetting is super easy with magnetic rollers because you have less hair to roll and fool around with...give it a try.
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Sorry I don't have pics but I too struggled with pin placement and I felt the pins were snagging my hair when I finally got them in. I found the pins must be strategically placed for them to hold the roller secure. I also found the mohawk method to be the easiest for rollersetting with magnetic rollers but even still, it took me a long time to set my hair because I wanted to be extra careful with the pins. I then decided to use the snap rollers and they work like a charm and I can set my hair in half the time.


ETA: Ponytail rollersetting is super easy with magnetic rollers because you have less hair to roll and fool around with...give it a try.

Do these rollers live the line on your hair?
Do these rollers live the line on your hair?
Yes/No. Yes, intially when I take the rollers out, there is a line close to my roots/new growth area but by the time I style (either comb or finger comb through the curls), the line disappears, or better yet, it just blends in with the hair to the point where it's not noticeable. The lines totally disappear if you do like most, remove the rollers, apply a little serum, wrap the hair covered with saran wrap and sit back under the dryer for a few. I find these rollers are easier to manuvear and doesn't cause unnecessary hair loss. It was taking me about 1hr to 1.5+ to roll with magnetics with fighting with roller placement, pin placement and trying to avoid snagging my hair with the pins. I've gone back to using magnetic rollers for pontyail rollersets because I only use a total of 8 rollers for that. I find that snagging is not an issue with this method because my hair is tamed by being in a ponytail so I'm working with a very controlled head of hair. I'm at work and can't locate the yt vid I watched but if you need me ETA later with that link, let me know and I will.
I use the clips. I could not for the life of me understand how to place them without Gennifer Miller's help in her rollersetting DVD.

I keep the roller pulled taunt and place the clip above the base. I don't have a pic, but I'll try to take one next time I rollerset. If I put it right at the bottom of the roller, it snags my hair.
I use the pull/tension method and then place 2 clips on each side right at the base, a little to the back and I never clip one roller to the other (watch Alraines video on youtube,I love her rollersetting and blowout videos). I think it also helps that I roll up and not down.

I was using the duckbill clips and now got the ones with the little bend at the back as Alraines and MsKibibi recommend in their videos,got a box on ebay and then I was at Sally's and saw a box of 80 for $7 something,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair14-02

As they do not have that stick-out "head" and go all the way in, it allows for better roller placement. I've used them only once and it has made a difference in my sets.
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THANKS EVERYONE! I’m going to try your techniques when I wash my hair again. Hopefully It’ll be successful this time.

I'm sorry Shaley I don't have any pics, but I do have tips and what helped me. For me there are two ways to get the roller not to wobble. One way and the most used way, is by securing the clip to the base/bottom of the roller after you've rolled it. So after you roll your hair, you hold it as firm as you can to your scalp but not tight, and place the clip on the bottom, so that half of it is above the base of the roller, and the other half is below the roller close to the scalp. I hope that makes sense. The other way (and probably the less confusing way) is to clip the rollers to each other. If you're doing this you might have to do the first roller the first way I mentioned and clip the rest together (putting the clip at the sides of two rollers so they meet). I hope I'm making sense. If not, maybe another member can chime in:yep:

Ok Thanks! I’m going to try it this way.

Sorry I don't have pics but I too struggled with pin placement and I felt the pins were snagging my hair when I finally got them in. I found the pins must be strategically placed for them to hold the roller secure. I also found the mohawk method to be the easiest for rollersetting with magnetic rollers but even still, it took me a long time to set my hair because I wanted to be extra careful with the pins. I then decided to use the snap rollers and they work like a charm and I can set my hair in half the time.


ETA: Ponytail rollersetting is super easy with magnetic rollers because you have less hair to roll and fool around with...give it a try.

Thanks. I’ve used the snap rollers or the magnetic rollers with the covers but I don’t get as smooth a set as others do. Maybe its my method, but I’ll try again a different way.

Thanks. I used Builadable Beauty’s tutorial for my last set but still couldn’t get the rollers right with the pins.

I use the clips. I could not for the life of me understand how to place them without Gennifer Miller's help in her rollersetting DVD.

I keep the roller pulled taunt and place the clip above the base. I don't have a pic, but I'll try to take one next time I rollerset. If I put it right at the bottom of the roller, it snags my hair.

Thanks. Yes, please take a pic the next time you rollerset. I remember when Gennifer posted the rollerset video on her site but I think now you have to purchase it.
I use the pull/tension method and then place 2 clips on each side right at the base, a little to the back and I never clip one roller to the other (watch Alraines video on youtube,I love her rollersetting and blowout videos). I think it also helps that I roll up and not down.

I was using the duckbill clips and now got the ones with the little bend at the back as Alraines and MsKibibi recommend in their videos,got a box on ebay and then I was at Sally's and saw a box of 80 for $7 something,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair14-02

As they do not have that stick-out "head" and go all the way in, it allows for better roller placement. I've used them only once and it has made a difference in my sets.

Thanks. I have those same clips, but they’re by Conair. I was thinking of trying the duckbill clips but I don’t know now…
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I use the pins exclusively and how I figured it out was on the right side of your head place them at an angle from the bottom like this \, and on the left like this /
This works whether you are rolling up or down.
Rolling with magnetics and clips take practice. Have you ever been to a dominican salon? Watch how they do it. They section the hair so that it's not wider than the roller and comb the hair forward/upward. So for example if your rolling the middle row, you comb the section forward/upward then roll, then place the clip underneath the roller such that it's anchoring with your hair at the base. You should feel the clip touch your scalp in other words. This also anchors it better. If you comb the section downward, it won't anchor as well and when you roll the next section next to it or under it, it's going to slip out.
Sorry I don't have pics but I too struggled with pin placement and I felt the pins were snagging my hair when I finally got them in. I found the pins must be strategically placed for them to hold the roller secure. I also found the mohawk method to be the easiest for rollersetting with magnetic rollers but even still, it took me a long time to set my hair because I wanted to be extra careful with the pins. I then decided to use the snap rollers and they work like a charm and I can set my hair in half the time.


ETA: Ponytail rollersetting is super easy with magnetic rollers because you have less hair to roll and fool around with...give it a try.

I use these clips and the pin :yep: really secure smooth set... even on my 4a/b BKT'd hair


After rollers came out I didn't really have any real dents... just fuzzy roots since I'm natural.


Still I was able to silk wrap without even blowing or flat ironing my roots and still get a pretty smooth result
