Rollerset Neck Length hair w/ layers


Well-Known Member
I need to get back to rollersetting. Flat ironing my hair all the time is something I hate doing. I was always a roller girl, but I actually went to the salon so I never had to do it myself. Are there any tips or videos for rolling neck length hair, and I'm not sure what size rollers to use. Probably the purple and red because I don't want a curly set, I just want to wrap it up after I'm done. Thanks guys!

BTW my first layer is a little bit below the crown of my head (siggy pic: where the clip is, theres about an inch and a half of hair below clip ) I don't know if that makes a diff. or not.
Try youtubing roller sets. I'm not sure if it will be helpful because many of the ones I've seen were on longer hair. When I get home, I'll see if I can find one for you if you have no luck.

For what size rollers: When I was NL relaxed, I used green and pink snap-on rollers (even if my hair didn't fit all the way around them). I didn't want my tresses too curly either. I think they were 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter? I would rollerset on the weekend, wrap on Monday morning to flatten a bit, then wear a bonnet the rest of the week. It worked out well.

Yea I've been looking on yt and everyone on there has longer hair. i know it's possible because my stylist at home was able to do and my hair was shorter sooo! Yea! I guess I'll just practice. i've been looking at a few peoples fotkis. I'm going to try the mohawk one because it will probably be the easiest. I'm so nervous though. I don't want it to come out an awful mess, even though I do bun.
Rollersets are the healthy way to get silky hair without flat ironing, heres some helpful info:

Rollers for roller sets come any many sizes, go to Sally's or your local asian shop,default,pd.html

so many places online too, go to your local stores, they have them and many sizes, I rollerset neck length hair before

I rollerset my neck length hair. I don't think there are any special tips. I pretty much follow the same rolling method as any one else. I do the mohawk.

I use 1 1/2 inch rollers and 1 inch and maybe 1/2 inch rollers in the very back nap area.

I'm doing a set tonight and letting it air dry until the morning. I can post pics if it will help.
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I rollerset my neck length hair. I don't think there are any special tips. I pretty much follow the same rolling method as any one else. I do the mohawk.

I use 1 1/2 inch rollers and 1 inch and maybe 1/2 inch rollers in the very back nap area.

I'm doing a set tonight and letting it air dry until the morning. I can post pics if it will help.

Please post pics. I have tried this and it did not come out well even with a pony tail rollerset. I may be a little shorter than neck length and my nape is really short. I want the rollerset to straighten/stretchmy hair not make it curly. When you airdry it does it end up poofy? It would probably take a day and a half for my hair to dry completely if it's not all just hangin down..
Hi Chelley – I would recommend using the red rollers in the back and the purple in the front…I am a avid rollersetter/rollerwrapper and when I was this length – the wrap would fall real nice…I used the anchor method when rollersetting…

This is especially good method when getting the shorter pieces at the nape and just work your way up

I rollerset my neck length hair. I don't think there are any special tips. I pretty much follow the same rolling method as any one else. I do the mohawk.

I use 1 1/2 inch rollers and 1 inch and maybe 1/2 inch rollers in the very back nap area.

I'm doing a set tonight and letting it air dry until the morning. I can post pics if it will help.

Pictures would def. help!
I rollerset when I was neck length w/ layers, I used the green and red rollers, I followed the same methods as the longer haired ladies using the mohawk method. It always came out straight after wrapping
I have tons of diff lengths in my hair so I rollerset using the green, red, and purple and my hair never comes out too curly. It's def possible to roller-set at your length...
red or purple like you mentioned. I would do the same format rollers down the middle and rollers on each side of the head. and use slide in clips not the regular prong ones they get in the way.

I would just watch the regular rollersetting videos, it's the same concept just a different hair length. somewhere in the rollersetting challenge I think I posted a link to my fave rollersetting youtube video, I think the females name is "Lorraine" on youtube.
I rollerset when I was neck length w/ layers, I used the green and red rollers, I followed the same methods as the longer haired ladies using the mohawk method. It always came out straight after wrapping
That's exactly what I was going to say; when I had NL relaxed hair I used the red and green
Just finished..and it was the hardest thing i've ever done. my arms are gonna be super sore and I think its probably gonna come out weird. The placement is soooooo hard!
I'm sorry you had a hard time. It'll get better with practice.

I just got home, so I'm definitely not washing and setting my hair tonight. But I will do a set this weekend. I'll still post pics of the process.
my rollerset came out decent. After I flat ironed it, it was very nice =) The fact that I only have to flat iron on 200 instead of 410 is quite helpful, so I will probably keep rollersetting.
there has to be an easier way. ive been rolling my hair for an hr and just had to stop because i was getting irritated.