Rollers in dry hair whilst getting ready?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone do this to previously rollerset hair? How long do you leave them in? What type of rollers are they? Do the curls last? Do you add any product?

Does anyone do this to previously rollerset hair?: Yes
How long do you leave them in?: Long enough to dry, so rougly 30 minutes. If its a morning when i am going to work, its the first thing i do when i get up so that i can leave them in for at least 30 minutes while i am getting everything else together to leave (getting dressed, brushing teeth, make-up, etc.)
What type of rollers are they?: Goodies 1 inch
Do the curls last?: Yes. If you mist (i stress the word mist) the rollers/hair and let it dry properly the curls will last.
Do you add any product?: Generally no. The water re-wets my setting lotion (Giovanni Direct Leave-in) and sort of 're-activates it' so i dont need to add anything additional.

HTH! :)
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I do this also with satin covered foam rollers. Mainly for going out in the evenings.
I don't mist or rewet my hair, sometimes I do it on my hair when it hasn't been previously rollerset.

I try to leave them in for at least two hours, because I will most likely be going to a club and dancing or whatnot so I want the curl to hold. The straighter my hair is to begin with the longer I will leave the rollers in.

I mist with a light holding spray and they last the night usually.
Yesterday, I made pincurls while getting ready and left them in for an hour. I used no product and my hair was bouncy with curls that lasted. I could have used Carusos for about 5-10 minutes with similar results but I am experimenting with pincurls. :)