Roller Setting with Hooded Dryer


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, quick question im ccurious about: When you roller set your hair when using a hooded dryer, do you cover your rolls:grin: with anything or leave it open n out?
Just got out from under the dryer! Had on my hair net, and my terry wrap around my ears and hairline to keep the hot air away from my face. The wrap also helps keep the hairnet secure, and not blowing hair upward into the fan.
both, open or net (i use a net when my rollers are put in sloppy- adds a little security for rollers)
I always use a net. is a must if you use the pibbs because the air can pull your hair up...Plus the rollers stay put with a net.

check out how i tie them towards the end of the roller setting video in my blog
It depends on the type of dryer. If ou use a dryer with a fan such as the Pibbs and most of old fashion hood, it is a MUST. If you do not use, you are at risk that some hair not properly fixed to the rollers come in the fan.
I use a hair net. Like someone said, if the clips fall out or I take them out, I can still keep the rollers in place.

I don't actually need a net for my hair dryer. It also reminds me of the Dominican salon :-).