Roller Setting Short Hair???


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I saw all the great conversation about African American hair care and decided to join. I have shoulder legnth hair, but had to cut it to just below my chin due to damage and breakage after a very stressful period in my life. :( Can hair this length be roller set? If so, what setting products would you suggest?

I really want to get away from just wrapping it because I find that I still have to use some sort of heat to get the curl and bouce that I desire. Any suggestions?

My goal is to be shoulder legnth again by the end of the year. Is this realistic?
You can roller set chin length hair. If you want a curly look, use small rollers. If you are going for body and bounce, use the largest size roller possible. Roller setting has worked for me. I like it because there is no direct heat involved.

Welcome to the boards!!!
Thank you. I'm so bummed out about having to lose so much of my hair. I'm planning to nix the blow dryer for good and stretch my relaxers out to 12 weeks to avoid over processing. Hopefully this aid in reaching my goal.

Thanks again for taking the time to offer some advise!
Choklatekiss79 said:
Thank you. I'm so bummed out about having to lose so much of my hair. I'm planning to nix the blow dryer for good and stretch my relaxers out to 12 weeks to avoid over processing. Hopefully this aid in reaching my goal.

Thanks again for taking the time to offer some advise!

I agree with rdm... you definitely can rollerset hair your length, just use smaller rollers. Depending upon your hair and the look you're going for, you may or may not need setting lotion. If you decide you want to try one, I would go with the one from keracare. Its great diluted or neat.

Congrats on your fresh start!

Oh yes, I definitely think you can make shoulder-length by the end of the year with some good care.
Thanks Thursday Girl! I'm to pick that up form Sally's tonight. Hopefully I will have good news to report by the end of the year. I'm excited about a fresh start.
Welcome to the board! :D You can rollerset chin length hair using smaller rollers. I did when I was chin length and it worked well for me during that stage. You can make it to shoulder length with some TLC and the great info you will receive from this board. Good luck!!!! :)
if you find you are having trouble getting the ends to stay put, try some end papers (thin sheets made for rollersetting) and put your hair between it, wet it, then roll it.
OMG!!! I made my first attempt at roller setting my hair last night. It was a tragic mess. :lol: LOL I had no idea it was so difficult. I managed to roll all of my hair, but the end result was aweful. I ended up just wrapping it as usual. I think I may leave the roller setting method up to the pros and keep doobie wrapping and doing wet braid outs. I'm good at that.

I actually started co washing this week and I'm loving it. Are any of you having luck with this method?

Thank you all for your feedback and support.
Lonei...thanks for the tips. I love your flex rods. Beautiful. That seems a little easier than magnetic roller setting. Although I know looks can be deceiving. Do you think this will be a better method for a beginner with short hair? :confused:
HOnii.... I think my prblem was positioning the clips. It was hard to only clip the hair that was on the roller without the clips picking up other hairs. Does that make sense?
I did the flexirods on my neck length hair and it came out great! Crazy part is that it was easier for me the first time I tried and difficult the second time. I can't figure that out. I can't upload pics from work but I'll try to remember to do it from home later.