Roller marks


Hey ladies,

Does anyone else have this problem? I typically rollerset my hair once a week, and wear my hair similar to how it is in my avatar. Or I'll finger comb it but not really comb it out. Every now and then I'll wrap it. Either way I do my hair, it stays in the sections that I rolled it. You can visibly see (if I don't cover it up well) the marks where the caps on the rollers were, and the sections where each roller was stays separate from the others.

Today was the first time I flat-ironed my roots so this isn't obvious. I'm not thrilled about using this much direct heat. If you've had this problem, how do I fix it? When I wrap I want it to blend together better, or when I wear the curls out I don't want the sections to show. TIA.
It's the exact opposite of rolling under. Instead of placing the roller underneath your hair, you place it on top and roll upward. Hope that makes sense. When I go to the Domincan salon this is what they do to prevent roller marks.
Alliyasmom said:
It's the exact opposite of rolling under. Instead of placing the roller underneath your hair, you place it on top and roll upward. Hope that makes sense. When I go to the Domincan salon this is what they do to prevent roller marks.

But I get mine rolled downward and it doesn't leave a mark. I really don't think it has anything to do with how you roll, but with what you use to hold the rollers in place. JMO
Thanks for the suggestions ladies... I'll try rolling it up next time.

I've used the clips before and I still have the separation problem... you can see in the attached pic how the sections stay separate (the spaces in between the curls), even after finger combing. Any suggestions for that??


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ProseChild said:
Thanks for the suggestions ladies... I'll try rolling it up next time.

I've used the clips before and I still have the separation problem... you can see in the attached pic how the sections stay separate (the spaces in between the curls), even after finger combing. Any suggestions for that??

make smaller parts which will help minimize the gaps. although when i'm stretching i get those gaps regardless and have to run a flat iron closer to the new growth to help get rid of the parts :look: i also use huge bobby/roller pins not clips. the clips left marks in my hair too.
SweetCaramel1 said:
make smaller parts which will help minimize the gaps. although when i'm stretching i get those gaps regardless and have to run a flat iron closer to the new growth to help get rid of the parts :look: i also use huge bobby/roller pins not clips. the clips left marks in my hair too.

*lightbulb* ohhhhh... thanks!!! I will definitely try this! :D
hmm...i dont know what u use...but this used to happen to me alot and then i realized that i was using to much setting lotion. On the up side my hair came out real crisp and straight. on the downside it was just crisp enough for my hair not to seperate naturally once the rollers were out. I diluted my setting lotion more and it helped.

As for bends from the way the roller was sitting. i use magnetic rollers with the clips and i make sure its pulling enough at the root to keep it straight. I roll my hair going downward like normal..and as i go i also pin the rollers themseles together (the ones in a row) once i did this it would hold the roller tight so my roots didnt start sagging and then dry that way.
I think the problem was a combination of using new products, stretching and using too much setting lotion/foam. I diluted the lotion, used flat bobby pins to set, and my wrap came out perfectly.

Thanks for all of your help :-)
Also, sometimes if you roll your hair with the exact same roller placement every time, you can "train" your hair to have those splits in between the rollers.