
New Member
I need some info on some rolelrs. First, I'm looking for no heat options to get curls in pressed hair. What methods do you all use?

Sponge rollers with end papers
Caruso Rollers
Hot Curlers (And are those considered heat? Are they better than curling irons?)

If you use any of these to get curls in pressed hair, please share your method?

Also does anyone know what u prong rollers are or where to find them? If the book, "Good Hair" she shows a set made with u prong rollers and I llike it, but I've never heard of this type of roller. IF anyone can share any info, i'd appreicate it.

Also does anyone have a method for rolling their hair on flexi rods?

Lastly, does anyone roll theire 2 strand twists? And if so, how?

The Caruso uses steam. It would probably cause a press to revert. Try Solar Rollers
or Hype Hair satin covered sponge rollers. I got mine at Kmart. sells them, too.

I've seen the 'Perm For a Day' u-shaped rollers in discount stores and on eBay. The closest thing I've seen to them recently are Sassy Curlers:

My aunt likes the Wave Rage hot curlers

Igia makes something similar, but I forgot the name...