Roasted Seaweed


Well-Known Member
I picked up a package of Roasted Seaweed from Trader Joe's today. I've never tasted it, but I've read about the good things it does for our bodies and hair. Actually it doesn't taste too bad, and I can eat it okay. At .99 per bag with about 50+ thin slices, it's a cheap hair product :lachen:. The article below was taken from ehow website.

Healing Powers of Seaweed

  • People from all different cultures rely on the healing and cleansing powers of sea vegetables. Seaweed is an excellent source of nutrients and minerals essential to our health. Eating sea vegetables regularly prolongs life, prevents disease and keeps us looking younger. Paul Pitchford writes in "Healing with Whole Foods", "Consider that our blood contains all hundred or so minerals and trace elements in the ocean. Seaweeds contain these in the most assimilable form because their minerals and elements are integrated into living plant tissue." By eating sea plants you are giving your body what it needs to stay healthy and strong, and your hair will become shinier, thicker and softer.

Read more: About Seaweed and Hair Growth |
If I was coming to your house...I'd bypass all the hair goodies and would go straight to the nori!!! That is my FAV SNACK!!! I like the plain lightly salted toasted one. I've never even seen that in TJ's must be new.

I'm a big sushi eater also.
Love sushi too... As for the nori and haor results... Hmmm cant say that I noticed any changes however I don't have a eating reggie where I eat a pack a day... So I dont know but I do know I love em!

Working towards long, strong beautiful hair.