RIP gold n hot hooded dryer...


Well-Known Member
You've been real good to me. I really hate how you had to hit me with dubs your hood broke. j/k ladies. But seriously, I broke the hood on my dryer and now I have to find a nice substitute. What are you guys opinions regarding a bonnet dryer vs. hooded and which brands do you suggest?
Good grief! I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had a dryer to bite the dust. Last call for suggestions.......
Well, I've been using the Pink Ionic Hooded dryer, and until recently it was doing fine. Now I'm beginning to think it's possessed (it manages to get extra hot, causing me to sweat, but yet manages to take 2 hours to dry)...well anyway, I finally bit the bullet and purchased a Gold N Hot bonnet dryer. I have not had a chance to use it yet, but after the reviews, i figured what the heck i may as well try it.
I did not have the hood one but I had the bonnet dryer. Kept overheating and shutting down. I upgraded to a pibbs.
Girl, I had one but I HATED mine. I have been looking on Ebay for another brand for a hooded dryer. I even came across an attachment that you put on your hand held dryer that converts it to a hooded dryer. I saw it on Sally's website. I went to the Sally's close to my job and they did not have it. I might order it. It was only about 10 bucks.
I love my pibbs, but I hear the salonrus hooded dryer is comparable to the pibbs at half the price
Sally's has a babybliss roll around dryer online for $100 and free shipping. It has good reviews. I have a Conair Pink tabletop right now. Works OK. I got from Sally's for $40.
I have the Lava Tech soft bonnet dryer and LOOOOOOVE it:lick:. It has tourmaline and lava ceramic technology. I use it on low/cool which actually feels pretty warm and it dries my roller sets in 45-50 minutes. My old Gold n Hot, that fell apart, would take almost 2 hours and my hair would be frizzy instead of smooth and silky like with the Lava Tech. It runs about $49 but it's hard to find. You can google it. I know I found an online etailer that had it last month.