rinsing with cold water....


New Member
i know its good for my hair if i rinse conditioner with cold water....but i just cannot take it!!! ive never been a cold shower kind of person, no matter HOW hot it was....its just unbearable!!

any other ladies who wash their hair in the shower and cant stand the cold??? do you just do it with luke warm??
The thought of running ice cold water on my scalp is ridiculous, but I like to rinse out my conditioners with cool water. I've tried it with warm to almost hot water and I just feel my hair benefits more from the cool water.
I don't think it has to be freezing just real cool. I rinse my hair last I kind of angle the shower head so that my entire body doesn't get sprayed...but it can get kind of chilly.
I finish up my conditioning wash with an ACV rinse and that's definitely cool. But it's not all that bad because I pour it over my hair while directly underneath the shower so my body doesn't feel the "shock."
Shatani said:
how often do you do acv rinses natrox??

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I've been meaning to start a post on this but I've been out all day and I'm catching up on all that I missed! lol I pretty much no-poo daily but I typcially do ACV rinses once a week. However, this past week I started an experiment and began doing ACV rinses daily right after my conditioner. Well I have to tell you that the results are fabulous! After the rinse, all I did was apply my leave-in and nothing else - not even my shea butter! My hair has not gotten dry at all; it remains soft for the entire day. I spritz with glycerin/water if I need it but it's really not that much. I was really amazed that it remained soft and moisturized without any product besides the leave-in conditioner.

One night this week I actually no-pooed, but this time, I did not do the ACV. I followed up with my leave-in and put in chunky twists overnight. The next morning my hair was DRY - I couldn't believe the difference. So guess what's a part of my regime now?! You learn something new everytime you experiment I suppose! Does anyone else ACV rinse on a daily basis?

I'd like to share a picture, but I don't know how to place it in the post!
is the pic in your album??? if so, i can do it...

and ive never done an acv rinse...mostly because i have rwv (red wine vinegar) and not acv...hehehe...i did want to try the baking soda clarifier rinse, but do you think you might get the same effect??
Shatani said:
is the pic in your album??? if so, i can do it...

and ive never done an acv rinse...mostly because i have rwv (red wine vinegar) and not acv...hehehe...i did want to try the baking soda clarifier rinse, but do you think you might get the same effect??

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I gave it a try, but it didn't work...
I just put them up in my August album so you're free to take a try Shatani - thanks girl!

Hmmm, I never used baking soda but I've heard good things about it too. As long as it doesn't strip your hair and leaves it soft, it may work? Anyone else daily rinsing with baking soda? But Shatani, you've got to try ACV!!
@Shatani - Nope, they're not up on my side either! Maybe because the pics are password protected???

@Nonie - Thanks! ACV really does the trick!
d'oh!! yeah, that may be it!! ah well...it looks fabulous anyway!!! i gotta get on this acv thing!! i cant be trusted to do ANYTHING everyday, though...hehehe
Shatani said:
d'oh!! yeah, that may be it!! ah well...it looks fabulous anyway!!! i gotta get on this acv thing!! i cant be trusted to do ANYTHING everyday, though...hehehe

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Thanks girl!

I'm going to have to crack that whip on you to get that ACV, huh? LOL
NaturalRox, you can still post password protected pictures, but only YOU can do it. Log into your Fotki account and then click on the thumbnail to open the picture of interest. Below that picture you will see a URL for using on external servers. That is the URL that will allow us to see the picture. You can either post the image using that URL or you can just paste the URL and it will be a link to the picture. HTH
NaturalRox said:
I finish up my conditioning wash with an ACV rinse and that's definitely cool. But it's not all that bad because I pour it over my hair while directly underneath the shower so my body doesn't feel the "shock."

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This is me.

NaturalRox, are you diluting your ACV?
nonie said:
NaturalRox, you can still post password protected pictures, but only YOU can do it. Log into your Fotki account and then click on the thumbnail to open the picture of interest. Below that picture you will see a URL for using on external servers. That is the URL that will allow us to see the picture. You can either post the image using that URL or you can just paste the URL and it will be a link to the picture. HTH

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Thanks Nonie! I will try that next time!
SVT said:
NaturalRox said:
I finish up my conditioning wash with an ACV rinse and that's definitely cool. But it's not all that bad because I pour it over my hair while directly underneath the shower so my body doesn't feel the "shock."

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This is me.

NaturalRox, are you diluting your ACV?

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SVT, I sure do! I use 2 tablespoons of AVC diluted in 2 cups of distilled water. What's your method?
When I rinse out my conditioners, I do a progressive warm to cool to cold rinse.

I simply grin and bear it, knowing it's good for my hair.

BTW: Cold water also keeps the breasts firm.

hahahaha...well NB you have successfuly convinced me to take one for the team!! (the team being my hair and breasts