Rinse Used As A Setting Lotion...


Has anyone ever tried to use a rinse on your hair as a setting lotion to wrap your hair before sitting under a dryer?

If so, how did it work?

I'm looking at some of the Dominican rinses and was wondering if some of the rinses could be mixed with water to make a multi-purpose leave-in treatment as well as a wrapping lotion. TIA

I haven't tried it, don't know that I would either. There are so many dominican leave-ins or other types of leave-ins, I wouldn't want to use something that could make my hair hard or heavy.
I don't wrap my hair before sitting under the dryer (my hair is too thick) but I wouldn't use a rinse as a setting lotion. I'd use a little as a leave-in though. But those things don't provide hold and humidity protection like a real setting lotion.