Revlon or Hawaiian Silky relaxer


New Member
I need help! I am relaxing tommorrow. I am torn between Revlon lye relaxer or Hawaiian Silky lye relaxer. Any experiences. I have 4a/3c hair and it is bleached.

Please help quick!
Whatever relaxer you go with, choose a mild version because your hair is bleached and your taking the chance of getting breakage from the relaxer.
fiestebrown said:
I need help! I am relaxing tommorrow. I am torn between Revlon lye relaxer or Hawaiian Silky lye relaxer. Any experiences. I have 4a/3c hair and it is bleached.

Please help quick!

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My hair is a simular texture (4a sides and back, 3c crown) and I just used Hawaiian silky and love it! My hair was nicely straighten with very smooth results. Make sure you use the <font color="red">MILD</font> version because your hair is bleached, and check to see if there are any warning on the jar about bleaching. I wrote a post about it under:

Consumer Reports Relaxer Results
My hair is 4a/b (no coloring or rinse) and i just accidentally purchased and used Revlon Realistic (Mild) --i normally use Regular. If you do decide to use Revlon Mild, please be careful. my hair is 4a/b and it relaxed my hair VERY quickly. from start of application to rinsing out i took 15-17minutes. Your hair is 4a/3c AND bleached so i would not even think about going over about 7-10 minutes... seriously. I dont know what it is, but the Revlon (Lye) mild is strong. -- jainygirl
I would go with Hawaiian Silk. Ive used this plenty of times. It makes your hair silky straight