Reviving Hair After Pregnancy/Mirena


New Member
I have been natural since Sept. 2009. I have 4a/b type hair. My son is 8 mos old and I enjoyed glorious locks while pregnant and after until I stopped nursing. Since then, my hair has come out drastically. I also got a Mirena at my 6 wk appt. and Im wondering if that has anything to do with it. My ob said it may make my hair fall out, and Ive tried to have it removed 4 times. They're evaluating to see if its lost or embedded( long story) and may need surgery. Until then im stuck with it. I had a natural style(shown below) and then recently a sew in to give it a rest. My edges were almost gone. I've been taking hair skin and nail vitamins, and they seem to be coming back, but it is sooo thin. My stylist used a powder to fill in the thinning areas. I don't know what to do, any help is really appreciated. Thanks ladies!


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It's probably Postpartum hair loss. I was Totally bald in the front after the birth of my twins...not a great time for me. I have a Mirena in now, and my hair is fine, so all of my hair loss was from giving birth.

Pretty much Mega Tek, and Nioxin hair vitamins is the reason why I'm now at SL, from pure scalp. That and using Ayurvedic oils like Neem, and Bringraj. I'm still a bit thin in front, but nowhere Near where I was. The hair loss Does end, and it will grow back well with care.

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Aww... I know exactly what your going through, I nursed my daughter exclusively first 6mo and completely weaned her at 10mo... My once full, thick BSL looked terrible...I ended up cutting to SL and starting over...
only thing I could suggest is protective style, practice healthy hair habits, take your vits and drink lots of water...your body is out of wack, give it time to get back on track before doing something drastic...good luck
I've used Mirena for birth control since 2006, and it hasn't affected my growth or retention, nor has it caused shedding or hair loss. Sorry to hear about your issues concerning Mirena, hopefully they are resolved soon.
I've used Mirena for birth control since 2006, and it hasn't affected my growth or retention, nor has it caused shedding or hair loss. Sorry to hear about your issues concerning Mirena, hopefully they are resolved soon.

I've used the Mirena since 2004, I've had no negative hair issues thus far.
OP, it's probably not the Mirena. I had one a few years ago and if my doctor had told me it might cause hair loss I would've walked right out of there :lol:

It is the postpartum shedding that's got you. It can start way after the baby is born and last for months. My edges are just now recovering from mine and my baby is almost 18 months old.
OP, it's probably not the Mirena. I had one a few years ago and if my doctor had told me it might cause hair loss I would've walked right out of there :lol:

It is the postpartum shedding that's got you. It can start way after the baby is born and last for months. My edges are just now recovering from mine and my baby is almost 18 months old.

Co-signing for sure.
my hair was fine with the Mirena. i had other issues with it and had it removed in my fourth year. but it is a wonderful form of birth control. i say you should keep taking your prenatal vitamins and use a black tea rinse to curb the shedding.
Thanks for all your tips. Its kind of devastating. I Went and had it trimmed and did a hydration treatment the other day. Anyone tried argan oil?
Sounds like just postpartum shedding. I'm suffering from the same thing right now. My baby boy is 6mos and right around when he turned 4mos my edges disappeared. :( They are slowly coming back. They are bearable on the left side, but the right side I have to hide because it’s so noticeable. Sucks but your hair should grow back.
Thanks for all your tips. Its kind of devastating. I Went and had it trimmed and did a hydration treatment the other day. Anyone tried argan oil?

I know how you feel. Personally, it was one of the worst moments of my life...watching handfuls of my APL hair wash down the drain, and then needing to chop it all the way down to about 2" or so. It was like the last postpartum straw! I tried Everything!..cutting it was the only thing that made it stop. It's all hormones, so only time really stops the shedding. Thankfully it Does stop, and it grows back. You'll get through this. :yep:
I only had post partum shedding with the last of my 3 children, BUT I know that Mirena has a hormone in it that is given off, it's similar to the hormone that's in the nuva ring and lemme tell ya, that thing had my hair falling out by the handful, I think it may be a combination of things if your body is sensitive to things like that!....I will say that my hair did grow back and I hope the same happens for you.
Thanks for all your tips. Its kind of devastating. I Went and had it trimmed and did a hydration treatment the other day. Anyone tried argan oil?

Argan oil is a great oil but I don't think it will work in this situation...your hair isn't coming out because of damage, it's coming out because of something going on inside of your body so while Argan oil is a good oil it only going on top of your hair, not inside your will eventually stop but you just have to give it time
You are losing your hair because of postpartum shedding. That stuff is horrible!!!!!!!!! I lost most of my edges when my son turned 4 months. My hair would tangle something terrible because of all the shedding and I wanted to cut my hair. My friend convinced me not to and my hair is finally back on track and my edges are coming in nicely. Just give it some time because my son is now 8 months and my hair is finally getting back to normal.