Revisited products


Well-Known Member
What products did you try that weren't all that great... then you tried it again and it was awesomeness in a container or What product did you abandon and later apologize to?

I walked off from Kemi products. I got a bottle of the shea butter moisturizer and oh muh gootness. I remembered that I use to use Kemi Oyl forever ago and I MISS IT! It was really great. Not to heavy and it smelled alot better than the WGHO. I'm attempting a reconciliation. :yep:
Joico kpak is my revisited, I was about to give it away or throw it out and I bought the salon size with the pump. It really sucked on my new growth and did not help with my stretch it tangled my hair.

BUT I relaxed and thought i'd give it another try and shockingly it was great! it's weird but on my relaxed hair it was really good, I loaned the bottles to my mom and she said the same thing that it is working great on her relaxed strands vs her strands with new growth.
Joico Kpak!!!!! The 3rd time was a charm for me. The first time it did nothing for my texlaxed hair, the 2nd time it was just okay on my relaxed hair and the 3rd time I was WOW'ed!!!!! I love this line!
Kinky-Curly Curling Custard - I was using it straight:nono::nono:. I used a leave in conditioner first, then used the KCCC.
Elucence products. Used them once over 5 years ago. Didn't even buy them, just had some one use them on me and I didn't like it.

I purchased the moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and the treatment. I just got them the other day and have already used the shampoo and conditioner twice. I am going to get more conditioner, the acidifying shampoo, and the silk elixir stuff now. Great products and the price couldn't be better.
Qhemets Amla Heavy Cream, I used dry hair, it didnt work well at all, it just sat on top of my hair. It was painful to give it away so i tried it again,this time on wet hair, after cowashing, I applied KKB hair milk then i sealed with a mixture of the heavy cream and hydrating balm...:lick:
I have never had such soft moisturized hair...its now a staple.

Ouidad Humidity Gel, i never applied a leave in so it was stiff and dry.

Castor oil i was using this on wet hair after cowashing, it was too heavy and my hair was always sticky.It worked well when i mixed it with my regularly cowashing conditioner and rinse it out.
WEN. I hated it. I decided to give it another try, and I LOVE IT. I think I was using it wrong the first time. I definately noticed a difference this time around. I will use it always. :yep:
Motions moisture plus. Bought a HUGE tub on a whim :rolleyes: The first time I didn't like it. I tried it again yesterday mixed with some EVOO and steamed for 1/2hr. My NG was BUTTA :yep:. MMP I take back those things I said about you :lol:

Oils too:when I was transitiong and then natural my hair HATED oils.Used butters mainly my hair barely tolerated olive oil. Now I'm relaxed, I decided to try them again WOW WOW WOW. I :love: oil now! Pre-poos, sealants and added to my DC!:yep: