Review of Coconut Cream Relaxant


New Member
So I decided to try this Coconut Cream Relaxant which I purchased from Etsy but can also be purchased off the website. I paid $20 including shipping for 12oz of product (yes I know that's expensive but I am a product junkie). I am transitioning with about 5 inches of natural hair. I was hoping this product would make both my natural hair and my relaxed hair happy. The ingredients listed on the label are purified water, virgin organic coconut oil, coconut cream concentrate, panthenol, palm oil, hydrolyzed wheat protein, phenoxyethanol (less than 4%), rosemary oleoresin extract, emulsifying wax, vanilla essential oil, and goat milk protein. When I read the instructions the first thing I noticed is that the container states to shampoo the product out but the enclosed instructions state to absolutely not shampoo product out, so I decided to follow the instructions on the enclosed instruction sheet.

I sectioned my hair into 4 sections and applied the product like a relaxer. After each section was coated I combed through the hair to distribute the product evenly and the comb just glided through both textures. I covered with a shower cap and left it on for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes I rinsed out with warm water and cowashed with Tresseme naturals. This product was so oily that I was afraid of slipping in the shower. After rinsing I looked in the mirror and noticed that the relaxant had solidified in some spots in my hair, so I re-rinsed with warm water. Nothing happened! I looked like I had bad dandruff (see pics)! I rinsed again with warmer water and still could not rinse it out. Eventually I was rinsing with water verging on hot and still could not get it out :nono:. So I shampooed with Diva Curl, the only shampoo I have and I still could not get it all out. I then took a comb and tried to comb it out but I only broke it up so that it looks even more like dandruff. So now my hair is greasy but dry with white flakes. It doesn't feel any softer than if I'd just done a prepoo with coconut oil. As of right now my plan is to get up tomorrow and rewash to try and get some more of it out of my hair so my co-workers won't have to talk about me:ohwell:. Sooooo, while appreciate all natural (or mostly natural) products made by small businesses, this is one I'd never use again.


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Well that sucks. It sure does look promising, but the flakes don't lie. :sad:
Sorry to hear that. Why dont you try contacting the company and see if maybe you used it correctly and if you did tell them they s*hit dont work and get your money back
I Agree. I would want a FULL REFUND!

However, I just read their 'sorry' Return Policy.

Yet, I'd still contact them. What exactly was the product 'suppose' to do?
The product is supposed to condition, soften new growth, and relax the curl. I was pretty sure I wouldn't see any relaxation of the curl but I was hopping it would be sort of a moisturizing protein treatment. I have no hope of getting any money back but I do think I will give the product a negative review on Etsy.
Wow, sorry to hear that. A lot of that stuff is solid at room temp- coconut oil, palm oil, wax, etc... Try baggying overnight. Maybe you head will get it warm enough so you can rinse it out in the morning.
Here are my results for the treatment. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I would advice to contact CCR Naturals. I am a coowner of CCR Naturals we are happy to be a small business so that we can reach out to our customers. Also the hair treatment is like a mask it is very heavy this is what loosens your pattern.

Check out my results.



sbfairy- Sorry this some of the other ladies have said try and contact the company hun. scurly seems to want to help so take her advice bc $20 is alot to spend for something to fail.

scurly- your hair is lovely btw but if the product is to help slightly loosen the curl it looks as if yours got more defined than loosening? Still beautiful either way I was just wondering!
A lot of coconut manna has bits of coconut in it that do not melt. The best way to remove stubborn flakes from your hair is to let it dry, then put a stocking cap on a brush. Brush it out. This will also remove flakey scalp by the way.

Or you could just try combing or shaking your dry hair to see if the flakes fall out. Coconut particles have been pretty easy for me to remove.
Would using just coconut cream and coconut oil provide the same results-loosening the curl pattern and the coconut lime relaxer? It just seemed like it would.
Would using just coconut cream and coconut oil provide the same results-loosening the curl pattern and the coconut lime relaxer? It just seemed like it would.

I would blend it with coconut milk or yogurt as well. Coconut cream is pretty thick and heavy and the two oils together would make it difficult to get it out.
Darn this looked so promising :( sorry this happened to you op. looks like another hair product bites the dust. Thanks for saving another fellow junkie. Good luck with the rest of your transition.