Review: KeraKare Dry & Itchy Scalp Moisturizing Conditioner - LONG


Think Slim
I bought this when I bought Humecto. The winter months usually make my scalp a little drier and my scalp was itching today...all right, I confess; I'm just a junky :ohwell:

Anyway, this is my first time using it and thought some of you, who wondered, might be interested.

I would normally wait a few weeks to get a touchup, but since I've been working out, my hair new growth is off the rictor scale :shocked: So I decided that I better get a touch up sooner. I always use emergencee the week before a touchup, so that's what I applied first.

As many of you know, emergencee will leave your hair feeling dryish, almost brittle, so it's imperative that you use a good, serious moisturizing conditioner afterwards. This would definitely test whether or not this products is a :up: or a :down:

First - The conditioner has a very unusual consistency. It's opaque white, think elmer's glue and is quite thick, think clear karo syrup.

The smell is herbal, medicinal, but not a bad smell at all. I noticed that my eyes were somewhat watery after sniffing the bottle.

I lathered this stuff on, making sure to cover my edges and all of my ponytail.

As soon as I put the first bit on, I immediately started to tingle. By the time I had my entire head covered I was tingling so much. The reaction was similar to the effect that cinammon or pure essential oils has on the skin. There was definitely something working.

One thing that you may want to be aware of is the impact on the eyes. I noticed that the fumes from the creme had my eyes watering just a bit, so you definitely don't want to get ANY in your eyes.

I left it on for 20 minutes and then rinsed. As I was rinsing I was absolutely amazed at how easily I was able to comb my hair. I had so much slippage, my hair was combing itself. Kudos to the slippage.

The end results were equal to Humecto. My hair feels so soft, so smooth and incredibly manageable. Yep, I'll be adding this to the list of staples.
Thanks for the review webby. So it is right up there with Humecto, huh :scratchch