Review:Elucence conditioner= SUPER MOISTURIZER!


New Member
Okay, I finally tried out my Elucence products and this is my review:

The moisturizing shampoo is okay but not super detangling like CON but enough to detangle 50% to get the hair ready for the conditioner

Now the conditioner is another story! I left it on with no heat for 5 hours w/ a plastic cap (I was busy doing family stuff ya know
I took out my old faithful cholestrol thinking my hair would be all tangled up but it was super moisturized.
I am 11 weeks post relaxer and it did a decent job at detangling and I lost maybe 10 hairs. I'm sure when I relax it will detangle even better.
I love the conditoner! It's super moisturizing. This is a keeper if your suffering from dry hair!