Review: Curly Pudding And Buttercreme


New Member
im 3c a lil past my ears on back to my nape...4a everywhere else...with at least 50% shrinkage most of the time...unless i seriously work on hair is cottony/ hair should be about past my shoulders in length in the back...base of my neck on the sides..chin in front

curly pudding:

kinks to curls method used from
used 3x in a week's time
drying time an hour with 1875 watt table top dryer
first time used...shrinkage with some curl crunchiness...1 lid full of product used...flared up sinuses...product distributed with detangler comb

second time used...less shrinkage...more curl crunchiness 2 lids full of product used....product distributed with fingers

third time used...even less shrinkage....a lil more curl definition....some crunchiness...3 lids full of product used...sinuses got worse...product distributed with denman d3 knockoff by goody

If my hair hadnt gotten crunchy and goopy at the same time after drying i would have bought more...but that combo i cant stand....i believe cuz my hair is so elastic and i seem to have a problem with shrinkage most times more than other would take prolly more than half the jar to get my hair to stop shrinking....thats juss too much lol....but!! this product did not take a long time to dry for me as i have seen it has for others


i loves it!! lol....i will buy another jar!!...the peppermint in it gives off a funk but i can take it lol...i put it on daily after i have let my hair airdry through banding (elastics around 4-6 braids/plaits) with some left in conditioner (white rain jasmin right now)the night before....this stuff leaves my hair shiny and penetrates the hair shaft...but is not crappy and ends feel good and look good..using this technique with this product enables me to wear my hair half straight at least half the day combed back with it hanging on my shoulders...the other half of the day i grab an accessory and pin it up or put in a ponytail...i have not used it for a curl effect and am not gonna worry my self about works for me like my opinion its worth 48.00

sorry i have no pix cuz uh...i dont have time :p
Thanks for the review. I'm tempted to try the buttercreme but I'm trying hard to resist the temptation.