Review: CHI Turbo Flat Iron (1 Inch Model)


New Member
I used my CHI Turbo flat iron and must say that I was not overly impressed with it (for the price paid). I would give it three thumbs up
(out of a possible five) because it did a good job but maybe it wasn't meant for my hair type.

I have very thick, wavy, coarse hair. After finishing with the this flat iron, it left my hair smooth and feeling somewhat silky but it did not really decrease the bulk of my hair as much as I thought that it would. With this 1 inch iron, I was able to reach my roots but the end results was a somewhat "poufy" look. It didn't give me that bouncy hair that I usually get from the Dominican salons.

The CHI Turbo iron looks similar to the Jilbere iron. It looks a little more luxurious with red, velvet padding, and it has three temperature settings - 176, 266, and 356 degrees F, respectively. It did snag my hair some but this could be due to operator error

I used the Biosilk Silk Therapy while flat ironing and was not too impressed with this either
. This is like a watery serum and I am used to thick serums.

So, in conclusion, I would say that if you have finer hair, this may be for you. It gets really hot and straigthens really well
. Though it does get very hot, the heat did not seem damaging at all to the hair (must be due to the real ceramic plates). I like wearing my hair wavy 90% of the time but for straighthening next time, I think that I will just stick to a Dominican salon as I feel that their round brush methood is best for getting my roots straight.

I wanted to ask you ChiChi, how big did you part the sections? I know when I flatiron my hair I have to use smaller sections to get that sleek flatironed look. I especially did this when I was 1/2 natural.

I am glad that you asked because I forgot to mention it. I made really small sections; I was really careful about this because I know that this is how to get that sleek look. I started out by roller setting my hair then air drying in the rollers. I took my hair out of the rollers then made smaller pencil-sized parts. My whole head took me 1 1/2 hours to do (with two small breaks).

It was weird too because to flat iron I would pull the section of hair taut then pass the iron over it. (I want to add that with this iron, you have to go over the hair just once because it gets very hot.) My roots/waves straigthened out well section by section but the cumulative effect when I combed my hair out was straight but still bulky. Almost like I just used a blow dryer. That's the best way that I could explain it I also went out in the rain yesterday and my hair didn't revert.

DSD, I remember you as having one of the higher-end flat irons... Do you have a CHI?

OK that's good to know! I have a Unil iron. At the time the retail was about $130.00. I love my iron.

I do things slightly different though. I find that my hair needs a blowdrying first before flat ironing. I pass the iron over each section up to 3 times and I also use it on the highest heat. I would also put pressure on the iron so it can get my hair really straight. Can you tell I like straight hair?

I thought it took me a long time to flatiron my hair. Wow! an hour and a half. But you do have a lot of hair!

When I was going natural I loved the Biosilk Silk therapy for flatironing.
I could be wrong, but I think you might've gotten better results if you had bought the original CHI flatiron. The original one reaches over 400 degrees which is hotter than the turbo. I read a review on the CHI Turbo iron about a month ago, and the lady who wrote it was Black, and she gave just about the same review you did, which is why I decided not to buy that particular model. I remember going to the salon, and seeing a hairdresser straighten someone who had natural what looked like to me 4b hair, and it looked relaxed after she was done. When I saw that, that's when I knew I had to have that flatiron. I have very thick 4b hair, and the serums don't really work on my hair either when I flatiron, so I use a pressing creme.
@DSD - That's a good idea... maybe I will start with blow drying next time...

@simone103 - that is good to know. I might add that I used the CHI on the medium setting (266 degrees F). I jacked it up to the high setting once but saw some smoke
so I turned it back to medium. But I am guessing now that my hair needs high heat and some kind of cream/balm to get a sleek straight look.

I can't wait to hear your "second time around review"! It really is about trail and error when it comes to flat ironing. It took me a little while to find out what products work best and what proceedure I needed to use. My first time was not that great!
@DSD yes, this flat ironing definitely takes practice.

@Supergirl I like it but I have to admit that I am not crazy about it... For the price that I paid, I thought that is was going to be leaps and bounds above my Jilbere.

@ebony2 I flat iron every other month. Actually, this has been my scond straigthening attempt since transitioning 4.5 months ago. The results last until my next shampoo.

The lady in the store told me the Turbo isn't as good as the original.I thought she was BSing but I guess not.I got the original(1 inch) and have yet to try it
Hmm, you have me thinking twice about returning my Jilbere. I think I will use my Jilbere again and use the heat setting designed for my hair and see how that turns out.
Hey Chichi,

I noticed in the your other thread that you said you only used a heat setting of 10 on your Jilbere. Did you ever try going higher to see if that would make a difference? From the instructions included with the Jilbere, it says for wavy/curly hair to use a setting of 20.
That sounds like a good idea. I have never used the Jilbere in a high setting. I think that I will do this too and then compare my results with that of the CHI.

I'll be waiting anxiously for your review.

Just a little while ago, I sectioned off my hair and used the Jilbere on 20 and wowzers, that thing got hot!!! I ran it over my hair once and it definitely straightened easier than at the 15 setting. But, there was a little smoke which freaked me out...maybe it was from the Generic Biosilk that I applied? I think when I do a full straightening attempt, that I'll try 17-18 and just run it through a few times. I'm thinking this flatironing thing is going to take a few attempts to get right.
Yes, I got some smoke too on the high settings and it made me nervous... I won't be attempting heat on my own for a while. The next I straighten will probably be at a Dominican salon

hairlove said:
But, there was a little smoke which freaked me out...maybe it was from the Generic Biosilk that I applied?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hairlove, my jilbere smokes too, and I don't use any products when i'm flat-ironing
I think that the next time, I may start out wrapping or blow drying my hair...

I just used a drop of Humectress and some Biosilk Silk Therapy. Btw, My hair straigthened but it wasn't bouncy and was bulky looking.
