Review: Alterego Coconut Conditioning Mask


Well-Known Member
Well ladies, this is a keeper for me and I plan to buy the large jar. So now I have 3 conditioners that my hair really responds to
* DRC 28 for protein
* Salerm Wheat Germ for nourishment
* Alter Ego Conconut Conditioning Mask for shine and moisture

* I rinsed my hair with warm water until it ran clear (no shampoo)

* Toweled dry the hair

* Applied Alter Ego Coconut Conditioning Hair Mask. I have to say the texture was so nice, I actually spent 3 minutes just massaging it in my hair. It smells like coconut and it's in a jar, but not thick. The consistency is very much like Salerm Wheat Germ. It is white and creamy but not too thick. The application was smooth and my hair sucked it up. I put on a plastic cap for 30 minutes (no heat). After I rinsed it out, my hair certainly felt different. I felt very smooth. Each strand felt very smooth, I thought maybe the conditioner closed the cuticle. I combed my hair while wet and it was a breeze the comb just slid right through it.

* AirDried Rollerset. The only other item I put on my hair was ORS Olive Oil Hair Lotion. I put the rollers in and mind you while I put in the rollers section by section, I combed each section with a FINE TOOTH COMB. At the end I had about 8 hairs in the comb (a testament to the DRC 28 which I did on Sunday). Took the Rollers OUT: The results: my hair is very shiny, I combed it into a wrap without breakage. Once I smoothed it into the wrap I applied a bit of margurite's magic to smooth and further seal the ends. Threw on the doo rag.

* Took out the WRAP: My hair looked very professional and most of all smooth, NO FRIZZ, no BULKINESS and my ends which have a serious tendency to frizz were very very smooth.

That's it. My hair loves hair masks whether this one or Salerm. I will put on this in my fotki ablum over the weekend. Below are the pics of the items I used.


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nikki1971 said:
Does the Alter Ego product contain protein? I think I may try this product also.

Here are the ingredients. I do not think any of them contain protein.

Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetrimoinum Chloride, Glyceryl Laurate, Amodimethicone, Parfum, Coconut Oil, Phenoxyethenol, Citric Acid, Trideceth-10, Methyldibomo,Glautaronitrile.
Thanks for the review Bajanplums. I have been meaning to try this product...maybe I will pick it up next time...but lord knows, I don't need another conditioner :look: . I need another salerm wheat germ mask though :p
I may give this a whirl. I have to wait until next week when they actually have the Salerm and Lacio Lacio in stock. I am almost out of the SWGM!
I wish there was other means of getting these products! :(
Thanks for the review... I'll keep this product in mind. My ends tend to frizz too so maybe I need that margurite's magic too. :cool:
Why did I come into this thread? :mad: I was doing so well and you know I have no self control. I'm off to Wegmans to pick this up! :grin:
Lorraine said:
Why did I come into this thread? :mad: I was doing so well and you know I have no self control. I'm off to Wegmans to pick this up! :grin:

Just came back from getting mine. I'm surprised I didn't see you in the hair aisle, as long as I was in there today. :lol:
bajanplums1 said:
So now I have 3 conditioners that my hair really responds to
* DRC 28 for protein
* Salerm Wheat Germ for nourishment
* Alter Ego Conconut Conditioning Mask for shine and moisture

Okay Bajan....I think I will be implementing these three products into my stash as soon as my hair budget replenishes itself.

You had me at Coconut girl. You had me at Coconut. (Mo looks at Sengs...)

And Lorraine and UmSumayyah are mad crackheads..trolling up and down the aisles of Wegman's...

*security guard observes from afar...*
I have been a fan of Drc 28 for years and Salerm Wheat Germ conditioner works well for me too I hope I get the same results with the Alterego conditioner.
I love the fact that you didn't use a lot of products! I have everything but the Margurites Magic. Who makes that? The combination of products that you used sounds good, so I'm gonna try it!
UmSumayyah said:
Just came back from getting mine. I'm surprised I didn't see you in the hair aisle, as long as I was in there today. :lol:

Hey UmSumayyah
This is OT, but I noticed your icon and was happy to see another Firefly fan:] Erm... to make this more relevant I will add that Zoe's hair is awesome. :D
mrslee said:
I may give this a whirl. I have to wait until next week when they actually have the Salerm and Lacio Lacio in stock. I am almost out of the SWGM!
I wish there was other means of getting these products! :(
Where can I purchase the Salerm wheat germ and Lacio Lacio products?
Ok Ladies,
Does this come in a size smaller than 1000ml? This big jar is the only size I see on sickbay. If it does come in a smaller size where can I get it online. I am in need of a pj fix :grin:
Lorraine said:
Why did I come into this thread? :mad: I was doing so well and you know I have no self control. I'm off to Wegmans to pick this up! :grin:

I didn't realize this was in Wegmans! I'm making a mental note.

You guys make it hard for someone to stick with one conditioner. :ohwell: