Revelation To Me - Black Hair Is Truly BEAUTIFUL!

Alpha Female

New Member
You know, as I was reading threads this morning & stalking fotkis (as I am wont to do to help start my day! :grin: ), it hit me like a revelation - our race of women has BEAUTIFUL hair!!! When you think of the different textures, and colors, and lengths, and levels of thickness, and hairstyles...AND our creativity in finding ways to manage our challenges, and highlight our assets, I felt very proud for a moment to be a Black Woman.

Growing up as a child, and even into my late teens/early twenties, I ALWAYS wanted 'white' or 'mixed' hair, and would look at others with that kind of hair wistfully, thinking...if only God had made me with hair like that!! But now, in my 30's, I'm coming into my own, and learning not just to live with the kind of hair I have, but to appreciate and be proud of what I have. It may not be as long & thick as other people's hair (by LHCF standards), but it's what I've got, so I'm learning to make the most of it and take the best care I can of it.

We all have things about ourselves that are 'good' and 'not so good.' Ask almost any woman about themselves, and they'll say, I like this, but I wish I could change that. Maybe it's human nature...but regardless, I truly feel that, as a race of women, we definitely take top honors for best hair! And that was not always something I could proudly say in the past! Besides which, if anyone doesn't like my hair, I'm 6'2", I can just step on 'em and squash 'em like a bug! :grin:

Have A Great Day Ladies!!
Isn't it great what maturity and self acceptance can do for you? I feel this way all the time now, can't say I did when I was younger. Yes, it's true. Black women in all shades, hair textures, sizes and cultures are beautiful!