Revelation, Direction, Refinement?


A fleck on His Sword
If there is a thread on this already, please direct me to it.

What is Father Yah revealing to you? What is He showing you in Scripture and having it come to life before your eyes? What is He telling or guiding you to do? Any dream, visions, or words? Anything He is helping to burn out of you or asking you to surrender? You do not have to go into details.

Right now, I am watching Him use the bad things happening in my life to shake me out of a malaise. In turn, I struggle to give Him praise for it, so hard! I fully understand Joseph when he said, "What you meant for evil, Yah meant it for good."

"Stop doing My job for Me." That one came with multiple confirmations. It hurt, tbh. I hate watching people flounder when the answer is simple, but requires persistence.

Has anyone looked into the redemptive (motivational or personality) gifts in Romans 2:3-8? The Courts of Heaven? Ancient Hebrew thought in relation to Scripture? Anyone studying Greek and Hebrew?
...marking my spot....
This year has been full of personal tests, trials, surprises and some doubt... I've been reflecting on and off and this post is timely.
Looks like this forum is on life-support; I am picking up a destruction vibe here. The Tree of Knowledge has struck again.

@Laela if you wanna take this to PM, I am at your service. We have a supernatural Father, who wishes to be serve in that manner.
LOL yes, it's been on life-support for a while... smh.. I'm not ready to testify, will PM you. I do, however appreciate the OP!
God bless