Reunited...Do we really get second chances at love?


Well-Known Member
If you were divorcing after a long separation and *stumbled* across the ex that you never stopped loving (in 15 years) and probably should've married who is also divorced and still in love with you, would you go for it? What if he was seeing someone but ended it because he didn't want another 15 years to pass without you? Would you think he was a jerk for leaving her? Would it matter?
And over the years this guy searched for you and asked mutual friends about you buy somehow the timing was never right. The breakup was amicable, just a mutual decision to focus on school. You have children and he is unfazed. Is this guy too good 2 b true?

I wouldn't just "go for it," but I would feel it out and give it a chance if it looked good... but after you took it slow at first.

These types of relationships happen all the time, so there's definitely a chance, but be careful and cautious and don't go in with expectations. Just feel it out.
I know a couple people with similiar stories. They dated in High School or early adulthood, broke up saw each other a few times throughout the years; then suddenly they are back together, married and with kids.

So it happens. I would feel it out first though; no need to get your hopes up.
It could work out. I know a couple that went through a similar situation but the lady was still in a unhappy marriage. She got a divorce after they ran into each other at their 20 year reunion. They have been reunited and married for seven years now.
my FH was my first bf 22+ years ago. He pretty much dumped me over winterbreak and we went our seperate ways. He was a senior, I was a sophomore. I got in touch with him several years later while I was seperated from my (now) exdh. He was living out of state with a woman and I dropped it. Didn't tell him I was seperated and still thinking about him. Last year, we bumped into each (on FB of all places) and rekindled the friendship. I was seeing someone long distance off and on for 5+ years. Dude I was seeing was supposed to have came with me to my family reunion and called the night before to tell me it was too far for him to drive (7 hours). I spent the weekend talking to my FH and we have been pretty much inseperable ever since I got back.

He says he doesn't remember talking to me when I contacted him but if he had known I was seperated that he would have came back...I didn't want him that way, that's why I didn't tell him.