Reunited and it feels so good!!!

I lub me some Sulfur 8---especially after I wash and condition my hair.

Doesn't it feel so good!!!! :yep:

Do you think the problem with grease is that we just didn't know how to use it right? and not because it was "bad"? And now that we know how to use it, its actually working in our favor... Just kinda curious about that...

I think you might be on to something. I don't see myself applying grease to already dry hair or caking grease on top of grease (without rehydrating), but applying it to damp and or wet hair was the missing link!

but how do you guys deal with the greasiness? Do you use it on damp naked hair or with leave in in it? I was thinking about grease a few days ago and i was pondering on how when i was younger i didn't have chronic dryness like i did before i found qb brbc...hmm makes me think...

I applied my leave-ins first, I let my hair air dry a bit and then I applied the grease!

hmmmmm....was just thinking about this today. how my hair flourished with sulfur 8 back in the day. now i am having all of these hair issues that i've never had before including breakage and dry scalp. I'm most definitely going to go back to my old faithful...i'll just have to deal with only leaving my hair out on Mondays only (b/c it will be too heavy on the other days from the grease)

I don't see myself having to us sulfur 8 no more then twice a week. I'm thinking once on wash day and then again mid week after I have spritz my hair of course. :yep:
i use it... mostly b/c the oils made my hair itch.. somewhat inflammed!

now when dating, lying on his shoulder, chest:lachen::lachen::lachen: sans the grease factor:blush:

i'm laughing b/c i just told my mom she should be using the grease on damp/wet hair
i've done this my whole relaxed life... b/c she did this when i was a child
now she don't remember a thang! grease & water curls my hair like nobody's business

i just never equated "natural/essential" oils to my outbreak and inflammed scalp!

good by jbco and all your cousins, sisters, mama's and friends
I have BEEN exclaiming the virtues of grease, particularly Vaseline. That stuff single-handedly saved my ends :yep:.
^LOL @ "You are not alone..." Why do I hear MJ crooning in my ear? Now I really wanna use grease!!!

YOU are tooooo funny!
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Girl, You ain't said nothing but a Word! I *HEART* :love:Grease! Right now

I am currently using & loving:love::

Christine Gant Mixed Greens
Claudie's Temple Balm Revitalizer
Njoi Herbal Hairdressing
Black & Bossie
Mizani Nighttime Intensive Treatment

Dag T - I ain't even heard of any of those products. And I ain't goin' out to buy em either NO NO NO:nono:!

ok - nevermind I just bought some Christine Gant stuff:ohwell:
what about the greasiness? Is anyone having issues with that? Or is that a sign that you have used too much? My mom likes to use grease on my son's hair and it looks and feels good, but for the first day or two his hair is greasy as all get out.
In the winter time I found that the only thing that saved my ends was Blue Magic. Still have it in the bathroom somewhere. I'll be using it again this winter too.:drunk:
what about the greasiness? Is anyone having issues with that? Or is that a sign that you have used too much? My mom likes to use grease on my son's hair and it looks and feels good, but for the first day or two his hair is greasy as all get out.

My hair is greasy to the touch the first couple of days, but after that it is fine. I think I just use too much hair grease after I put on my scurl. But I don't mind the greasy feeling. Also when I do this combo I don't have to moisturize my hair everyday just once a week. Also the greasy feeling keeps me from putting my hands in my hair.
I have to retrack any of my previous negative statements I have made about GREASE! I'm not talking about natural pomades and oils, I'm talking about good old petro based GREASE. Currently Im sitting here with grease in my hair...grease that I put in my hair original saturday night which is still lingering around monday afternoon. :look:

Saturday after my hair had airdried (about 90%) I was castor oiling my roots/scalp and then I thought, I need something thicker because my NG (especially in my crown area) drinks natural oil (no matter how thick) like water. I initially was looking for my black and bossie grease (which smells fab by the way), but couldn't find it, I had diluted my natures blessing with soo much castor oil it was not thick enough, so I went for the sulfur 8. I finger parted my hair and applied it to my SCALP and NG and then messaged it in.

The next morning my hair and ng was sooo soft and moisturized, I thought it was a fluke so I didn't get too excited. So last night I didn't need any more oil on my hair, ng, or scalp so I just spritz my hair with Ojon revitalizing mist and tied it up. Well, today my hair is still really moist, and there is no need to add anymore products other then spritzing with water!!!! WHAT? I am shocked and amazed!! :drunk:

I think all grease users should unite!!! :yep::yep::yep: My name is CHARMTREESE, and I use and love GREASE!!!!

Wow that is awesome! I remember I used to grease with this stuff that had so many great ingredients and it helped grow my hair fast! I only stopped becasuse of the negativity, but now that I think about it, it helped my hair! Not damage!!! I wonder if that grease is still around :)
I use grease sometimes especially when I wet wrap my hair. I found if I use grease before on just my scalp, my wrap comes out better and I don't have to put anything on my scalp for days.
Just tried this yesterday, as I have been looking for a reprive from the tangly ends that I get from twistouts. I used vaseline, and applied it to my ends after a leave in, Vatika oil and a bit of shea butter,. I then put the damp hair in big twists to air dry overnight. I unraveled and cornrowed this afternoon at about 90% dry. So far, so good. The ends were not tangled, I had a bit of shed hair which had attached itself to a SSK though, but I didn't comb the hair at all - went straight from 3 day old twist out to the wash.
This is great!
I'm wanting to define my curls for a new style, and I think grease+shea butter may be the answer...
Wow that is awesome! I remember I used to grease with this stuff that had so many great ingredients and it helped grow my hair fast! I only stopped becasuse of the negativity, but now that I think about it, it helped my hair! Not damage!!! I wonder if that grease is still around :)

Do you remember the name?:look:
I for one am going back to trusted SULFUR 8!
As another user posted some people with the longest hair have the most simplest regimens.
No MN, mega tek, ovation, etc. Just plain ol grease and washing and conditioning
I am VERY grateful for all the knowledge from the hair boards but this new method is not cutting it for me. I have an inflamed and irritated scalp from all of these methods.

Back in the day my grandmother would wash and condition my hair and put some sulfur 8 on my scalp and press my hair with a little dax it was MBL.

Im going back to the old methods. Keeping it simple for the rest of the year.
like 2 weeks ago i put a lil (a lil dab on my finger tip) blue magic organics coconut (my fave when i was relaxed) just because i like the smell, but i got paranoid and washed it out lol...but back in the day i was a blue magic/bb super gro fiend...any type of oil sheen too ... i personally choose not to use things w/ mineral oil or petroleum, but chicoro used to slather on straight up 100% petroleum jelly vaseline on her hair(wet) and her hair is beautiful...and when i was younger i had long thick hair down my back (before the relaxers) and my mom kept my hair & scalp greased so i think its just a matter of preference, everyone should just do what works for them
like 2 weeks ago i put a lil (a lil dab on my finger tip) blue magic organics coconut (my fave when i was relaxed) just because i like the smell, but i got paranoid and washed it out lol...but back in the day i was a blue magic/bb super gro fiend...any type of oil sheen too ... i personally choose not to use things w/ mineral oil or petroleum, but chicoro used to slather on straight up 100% petroleum jelly vaseline on her hair(wet) and her hair is beautiful...and when i was younger i had long thick hair down my back (before the relaxers) and my mom kept my hair & scalp greased so i think its just a matter of preference, everyone should just do what works for them

I was thinking about trying that, but my hair is soo fine I think it might be too heavy for my ends! But so far my NG doesn't mind petro.
My mom keeps trying to get me to go back to apex pressing oil. I think I might, maybe my hair will stay moist for longer than two days...

Thats a coincidence...I just purchased some today because I am going to experiment with brushing my scalp.

True story
When I was a kid( in the early 70s) a hair dresser told my sister and I to slap Apex on our hair and brush in an upward motion as hard as possible , every night because we both had extra short hair in the back.
( it was hereditary from my father's side...they even had a name for it....turkey).

We both had hair that grew much slower in the back than the front and the back was less than 1/2 inch long.

I did it and I never had extra short hair in the back of my head again. My sister, who was younger, was not consistent.

I saw a huge difference in hair growth within a month from hard brushing and Apex.
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I :lick: BB Super Gro for so many years but just drifted away from it for no apparent reason b/c I had great results with this grease. Think the drift started when I became salon dependent. Not that I'm back caring for my own hair, I've been thinking about going back. Maybe this thread will prompt me to make that move.
I applied my leave-ins first, I let my hair air dry a bit and then I applied the grease!
Did you apply to hair, scalp or both?
I applied it to my NG and scalp. Today I used natures blessings instead of sulfur 8...hopefully I'll get the same good results!
When my hair was at its longest, my mom would wash weekly, blow-dry, and grease my scalp!!!!


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