
New Member
[/COLOR]Hi Ladies,

I joined this forum back in the fall. I was so excited and overwhelmed at all the information on her. So I found a stylist by my college and she uses Design Essentials which have been great for my hair. But now my stylist has moved out of state. So im stuck with doing my own hair right now:sad: and Ive never did my own hair before, plus im a college student on a budget.This is my regimin now. I was wondering if you could tell me if im on a good start and what else I need to do. My hair is about chin level; but the front is shorter because I use to have bangs and it was feathered at one point. Im trying to get the front to grow and then eventually reach shoulder length level. When I relax at home I use ORS No-Lye Relaxer. I recently went to Sallys and they said that Silk Elements is a good product. So I bought the shampoo, cholesterol treatment, leave in moisturizer and heat protectant.

Each week I wash with Silk Elements shampoo and then condition with the cholesterol treatment. I then towel dry and put the heat protectant and leave in moisturizer on and then blow my hair by hand. I then dry roller set my hair and then take them out the next day. Question? Is it ok to use the cholesterol treatment each time I wash or do I need to get just a regualar conditioner. Also I have a major problem with shedding, moisture, and flat hair with no body. I heard that Keracare and Mizani are good products; so should I try them or just stick with Silk Elements. Also the Elasta QP Body relaxer was good; should I try this or just stick with ORS which I have been using for years?
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Kenita:yep::yep::yep:
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Just keep reading these boards, you'll find a lot of helpful advice and information here. In regards to washing your hair, deep condition at least once a week. In regards to drying your hair, leave that blowdryer alone!!! The heat from that blowdryer dries your hair out, stripping your hair of any moisture that it may have. That's why you have to keep adding more moisture. If you must blowdry your hair, don't do it every week. See if you can invest in a good hooded dryer (cheap). Sally's should have some. I have an ION hooded dryer that still works good for me, and I got it about 4 years ago. At the time, I paid about $40, so you can probably find one in Sallys for about the same price, if not less. Silk Elements is a good line. I love the shampoo and the leave-in conditioner. I use the heat protectant rarely b/c I don't blowdry my hair. I only blowdry after my hair is already at least 90% dry (after airdrying). The regular conditioner is okay, but I haven't tried the cholesterol so I can't comment on that.

One more piece of advice I can give you is to check out Sistaslick's articles and tips on shedding, breakage, and moisture. Here's the link: www.fotki.com/sistaslick She has some wonderful advice and it has help a lot of ladies on here. Again, just keep searching, reading, and you'll start to see some progress. Above anything, just be patient. You won't get the results you are looking for overnight. Just be patient and keep the faith that you'll get to where you want to be. You'll be at your goal in no time.
[/color]Hi Ladies,

I joined this forum back in the fall. I was so excited and overwhelmed at all the information on her. So I found a stylist by my college and she uses Design Essentials which have been great for my hair. But now my stylist has moved out of state. So im stuck with doing my own hair right now:sad: and Ive never did my own hair before, plus im a college student on a budget.This is my regimin now. I was wondering if you could tell me if im on a good start and what else I need to do. My hair is about chin level; but the front is shorter because I use to have bangs and it was feathered at one point. Im trying to get the front to grow and then eventually reach shoulder length level. When I relax at home I use ORS No-Lye Relaxer. I recently went to Sallys and they said that Silk Elements is a good product. So I bought the shampoo, cholesterol treatment, leave in moisturizer and heat protectant.

Each week I wash with Silk Elements shampoo and then condition with the cholesterol treatment. I then towel dry and put the heat protectant and leave in moisturizer on and then blow my hair by hand. I then dry roller set my hair and then take them out the next day. Question? Is it ok to use the cholesterol treatment each time I wash or do I need to get just a regualar conditioner. Also I have a major problem with shedding, moisture, and flat hair with no body.I heard that Keracare and Mizani are good products; so should I try them or just stick with Silk Elements. Also the Elasta QP Body relaxer was good; should I try this or just stick with ORS which I have been using for years?

I would continue using the ORS Relaxer... Ultimately please do what's comfortable for you, but I had heard that a NO Lye Relaxer dries out the hair and that Lye is better.

I would not blow dry my hair every week, but rather do a rollerset under a dryer. After the rollerset and your hair is dry, if you really need to use the blowdryer, then only straighten the roots with a
Denman Thermoceramic Straightening​

Velvet-touch straightening brush with vented ceramic-coated plates for smooth, highspeed straightening.

It is ok to use the cholesterol every week, especially if you have a problem with dryness like I do. I do a deep conditioner every week and add black castor oil to that conditioner and apply it to my hair. I strongly suggest you do this.

Lastly, I heard that Motions CPR is good for breakage. I have used it and it certainly helps me. Alter Ego- Garlic is good for reducing and stopping shedding. Moisture-adding castor oil to your regimen would help with moisture.

PS: Don't forget to wear a silk cap each night you go to bed to protect your hair.
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:grin: THANK YOU LADIES!!! I will try a rollerset instead of blow drying by hand. I need to buy a dryer first. Is it ok to rollerset and then just let it airdry???.:perplexed But I will continue to read the boards and hopefully i will find something that works for me.