Retouch - Prep 2 wks B4 - Pamper 2wks Aftwds


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'd appreciate some guidelines on preparation for a retouch and pampering afterwards. Exactly,

- what SHOULD NOT be done before and after a retouch and for how long
- what SHOULD be done before and after a retouch and for how long?

I'm inquiring about any range between conditioning (if so, what type and when before/after), hot oil treatment, oiling the scalp w/ WGO or and equivalent, scalp massage, roller set, air drying, when should be the last wash before & after, and other things that I'm sure I'm not even thinking of. My apologies in advance if I missed a similar post in my searches.

Thanks all,
The main things I hear about and try and do myself now is to strengthen the hair before and afterwards with a protein conditioner. Make sure you follow with a moisturizing conditioner after using the protein to stop the hair drying out. I like Aubrey Organics GPB which is the only one I've found that doesn't dry out my hair at all making the moisturizing step after optional.

Another thing is to avoid irritating the scalp a good 3/4 days before t/u day. For example, no excessive scalp scratching, using teeth of comb in the scalp alot etc. Just keep the scalp 'calm'.

I'm sure others here will give you their tips too
Thank you, BrownRelaxedHair.

Do you do the protein conditioner the week just before the relaxer and again the week afterwards?

I use lots of vaseline on my scalp the night before and the right before I go in. That seems to help ahlot. I also oil my ends with some type of moisturizer. My hair feels one hundred percent better than it used to.