Retaining length with a relaxer??


New Member
This question has puzzled me for years to come. The only time that I really saw my hair growing was when it was in braids. At that time, my hair was away from the heat, chemicals, stress and comb. But now that I have a relaxer after all of this growth, how can I retain the growth that I have with this relaxer without it breaking off?? WHAT protective styles complete this answer?? What vitamins/supplements aid in this?? What shampoos are good for relaxers and what protein treatments>?>> I know that I might be asking a frequent question, but I need some answers quick!! Also I've been thinking about doing the crown and glory technique. You know..... braids (2 months)....natural/straightened (2 months)... etc..
What do you women think??????
Well, I have a relaxer and a nice length. All I do is wash once a week, grease every 3 days, and sleep in a satin scarf. I'm trying Creme of Nature shampoo right now, since a lot of ladies on the board have praised it. I don't know about any protein treatments or vitamins though. A lot of ladies here wear their hair in a bun as a protective style. Some use a weave ponytail. I usually wear mine in a ponytail, twist it, and pin the ends under. It looks cute, or at least I'd like to think so.
I got this suggestion from Peachtree, and she has very nice hair.
I think you've already answered your own question. You said that you hair was growing fine in braids and perhaps that's what you should stick to since it works.

You could also cornrow your own hair if you don't want to use synthetic hair. Moisturize your ends and the scalp between the braids however often you need to and you should be fine. Relax and use heat only a couple of times a year and you should retain your growth after the relaxer because the hair will be stonger.

You may not need any supplements. Simply leaving your hair alone may help you achieve a lot of new growth a month because you won't be combing or manipulating it every day. Only a few times a week or a month.

If you're set on supplements, you may want to get a good multivitamin and some L-cystein or a protein powder shake. But make sure you ask your doctor first. A good exercise regimen should also be incorporated.

If you're sick of braids, try buns. Always remember to pay special attention to the ends when moisturizing the hair.

As for protein treatments, it all depends on what your hair "likes". Does your hair respond well to certain ingridients and not others? Does your hair like deep conditioners that are more organic/natural than others? The best way to find out is to buy the little one-off deep conditioners next to the counter at beauty supply stores. The have a plethora of deep conditioners to choose from.

If you don't see one you like, buy one you think will be good for your hair in a very small size so if your hair ends up not liking it, you won't have spent a fortune.

You may also want to try a hot oil treatment to help strengthen the hair.

You'll want to find a shampoo that is moisturizing. Stay away from SLS and ALS. Try Aubrey Organics J.A.Y. shampoo. It may take 1-3 tries to get used to it.
Thanx you guys for the responses. I will really keep these tips in mind. Anypne else want to help a girl out>>?

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Yes! I second what everyone has said thus far. I just wanted to add, don't forget to moisturize your hair often. I've found that dry hair breaks off while moist hair usually does not. Moist hair will also keep your ends moist, which will help you hold onto your length.

Happy hair growing!

I agree with what's been said too. My fave shampoo is lanza protein plus which is particularly good for relaxed hair. It has no sls ingredients (pick the sky blue bottle old formula not the new one). Over time it really nurioushes the hair well I think.

Deep condition alot. Every time you wash the hair. Concentrate the conditioner on the ends, the most dry part of the hair strands. Do pre oil treatments again concentrating on ends. I like evoo or avocado oil or coconut oil warmed up first.

Be gentle with the hair, use wide tooth combs and avoid curling irons and blowdrying, rollarset instead.
Be gentle with the hair, use wide tooth combs and avoid curling irons and blowdrying, rollarset instead.

i agree 100% with this bit of info coz hair needs tlc whether natual or relaxed but extra tlc wen relaxed so i gess all u have to do is keep this in mind as u shud be fine!! also think of what u were doin wrong with yo hair b4 wen it was relaxed and breaking coz re-evaluatin yo regiment once in a while helps a lot