Retaining length (new growth) after the big chop


Well-Known Member
For those who have done the big chop (from relaxed/texturized to natural), do you think you were able to retain as much length as when your hair was chemically treated? Or were you able to retain more? Not that I'm planning to chop any time soon, I was just wondering.

I know some transitioning people have said that they're holding on to their ends because the ends are protecting the natural hair, which means they're retaining more growth (natural hair). I've seen some people really thrive after the BC and gain length really quickly, but some people seem to struggle and appear to stay at the same length; they're not able to hold onto their 6 inches of growth each year. Anybody have any opinions on this? Any personal stories?

For those who did the big chop, would you do it that way again, or would you have waited for your natural hair to grow out more?
One thing to consider is the curl pattern. A 3c hair will appear longer than a 4a hair of the exact same length, because the latter coils back onto itself in a tighter pattern. So one can achieve healthy long hair, but left unmanipulated, 4a and 4b natural hair would rather "afrotize" than grow down one's back.

Sometimes, hair care is a toss up between beauty and health. On the one hand, I want length length length (beauty); on the other, I want strength strength strength (health). No matter what products promise, they often enhance one, and take away from the other. Every lady has to find her own happy medium between the two, to be content with her personal appearance.
i am glad that i didn't transition because i felt it would have been to complicated dealing with two different textures. but i am managing to retain length though. i don't use heat, combs, or blow dryers. i will use a brush when i make a puff. i just don't do a lot of rough handling. and always look for ways to keep my hair moisturized.
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For me I couldn't wait and transition for a year...that was too long. I figured the amount of heat and manipulation I would have to endure so that my hair would look nice with two textures wasn't worth the hassle. Now that I am 100% my hair is growing SO fast.
i am glad that i didn't transition because i felt it would have been to complicated dealing with two different textures. but i am managing to retain length though. i don't use heat, combs, or blow dryers. i will use a brush when i make a puff. i just don't do a lot of rough handling. and always look for ways to keep my hair moisturized.

I agree. When I BC's in November my hair was 0.5 inches long. Now it is 4 inches long. I haven't had any problems with retaining length but I leave my hair alone for the most part. I don't force it to do anything.
I was wondering about this.........

For those who transitioned and then BC'd, did you notice more/better growth after the chop????
I haven't had any retention problems since the BC. I've gained between 2 and 3 inches since I chopped, and I chopped 5 months ago, so I'm on target in terms of growth.

Since I have a TWA, I don't manipulate my hair a lot. I've also been in braids and twists which has also helped me retain length.