Results seen from usage of vitamins


Well-Known Member
How long does it take to see results from vitamins. From reading many of the posts it seems that many of u see results instantly. Doesn't it take atleast a month or two before u start to see any results? I guess what Im asking is, has any here had to wait atleast 2-3 months before seeing any results. I would think waiting a good 3 months is a fair amount of time. I find it hard to believe that u can see a change in 3 weeks
Can anyone shed some light...
I think typical time before you see results will vary from person to person. On average though, I would say 30 days minimum and 60 days maximum.
Armyqt said:
I think typical time before you see results will vary from person to person. On average though, I would say 30 days minimum and 60 days maximum.

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That sounds fair to me.
I don't believe in overnight miracles.
I think it depends on the product. I think if you take Biotin for example it may take months to notice a change. In the better supplements I've taken, I've noticed a change within a few weeks.
When taking certain supplements, I've noticed changes right away. When first starting MSM, I had break-outs on my face within 12-24 hours of taking it, so I knew it was having some affect on my body. With EPO, I noticed fuller breasts within a couple of weeks. With my multi-vitamin, I noticed increased hunger. All of the changes in my hair (increased thickness & faster growth) took place after a couple of months of starting the supplement.
I have taken vitamins on and off most of my life, and "hair oriented"
vitamins for about 1.5 yrs. The changes I noticed were gradual, nothing like some of the miracle stories I read about. However, in the last several months I've noticed more of a change than before, and I attribute that to regular exercise. I believe that if you exercise, your body will better metabolism the supplements and extra protein you are taking, giving you more noticeable results, sooner. Also, in the last two months I've switched my MSM to powdered MSM, and flaxseed oil caplets to ground flaxseed and I've noticed a big difference too. My new growth in the back has came in much looser than usual. Again, I think that regular exercise is a big part of this because I am going more frequently these days (as part of my new years resolution).
I bought a powdered msm because it was the only one I could find and I am sure if I am really see the results. There are so many different recommendations for brands for msm that I am not sure which one works the best but i think I will switch back to trimedica's powdered msm because i saw results with that. God bless you all.
The only vitamin that I saws result in 3 weeks was viviscal.
I saw results after about 2 months with msm,bioitin,b5 etc.
the hair lady told me it might take up to 3 months. i think its taken maybe a month or so. my hair seems stronger and thicker than before vitamins
Thanks everyone.
I think it will take a while to see results. Im going to give it 3 months. I have been taking EFA's since December and my last menstrual cycle was a relief
, I noticed that it took 3 months to see a change though in my cycle though from taking the EfA's. I will continue with the powdered MSM for 3 months. I guess everyone's body is different and some bodies absorb vitamins faster than others.