Results from MTG


Well-Known Member
I took my braids down and finally washed it this past Saturday. I gained about 2 inches in about 1 month. I could tell my hair had grown, but it was not until I compared it to my hair 6 weeks before I put cornrow braids in my hair and it measured as I stated. I know that pictures speak a thousand words, but I have not taken any pictures of my hair since joining this forum. I know I have to buy a digital camera and just do so. Believe me, I was totally impressed. I use MTG twice a week and I got this kind of growth. I'm very pleased since my hair did not seem to be growing. I'm excited about my growth, but what I'm even more excited about is I had very little shedding when I washed and conditioned my hair. I decided to use all the Mane and Tail products, (deep moisture conditioner, detangler, barrier) and after I washed my hair (I use Nioxin shampoo), I put on the deep moisture conditioner for about 5 minutes max, and detangle each section using the Mane and Tail detangler. After I finished during my entire head (natural) I was shocked to see only a very little amount of hair that I lost! SouthernGirl speaks very highly of the Mane and Tail products, and I'm also a happy camper. I will be putting cornrows in my hair on Friday and I want to leave them in for 6-8 weeks. I will keep you posted on my progress using MTG and the Mane and Tail products.
fancypants007 said:
I took my braids down and finally washed it this past Saturday. I gained about 2 inches in about 1 month. I could tell my hair had grown, but it was not until I compared it to my hair 6 weeks before I put cornrow braids in my hair and it measured as I stated. I know that pictures speak a thousand words, but I have not taken any pictures of my hair since joining this forum. I know I have to buy a digital camera and just do so. Believe me, I was totally impressed. I use MTG twice a week and I got this kind of growth. I'm very pleased since my hair did not seem to be growing. I'm excited about my growth, but what I'm even more excited about is I had very little shedding when I washed and conditioned my hair. I decided to use all the Mane and Tail products, (deep moisture conditioner, detangler, barrier) and after I washed my hair (I use Nioxin shampoo), I put on the deep moisture conditioner for about 5 minutes max, and detangle each section using the Mane and Tail detangler. After I finished during my entire head (natural) I was shocked to see only a very little amount of hair that I lost! SouthernGirl speaks very highly of the Mane and Tail products, and I'm also a happy camper. I will be putting cornrows in my hair on Friday and I want to leave them in for 6-8 weeks. I will keep you posted on my progress using MTG and the Mane and Tail products.

Congratulations! I am taking mine out this weekend. I've already started taking a few out (in hidden places). I can't tell how much growth I've gotten, since my new growth is shrunk, but it looks really healthy. The MTG definitely softened my hair, and there wasn't a lot of shedding or debris. Hopefully, I will have the same experience as you.
A quick question. Do you use MTG as well as the Main and Tail products (the ones in the Blue bottle)? Or are you only referring to MTG? Or only Main and Tail? Thanks. I use both also.
Well congrats on all the NG! I took pics but I lost my connection for my digi cam so I will be posting pics when I buy a new connection cord. I did get a ton of NG too! It's been 3 weeks since I took out my braids and I am having a time dealing with this NG (not complaining but I'm saying) that's why I won't be using MTG until I get a fresh texturizer or I put in braids, I can't handle anymore NG it's getting ridiculous...I'm beginning to look like cousin it!!!
Cocoberry, I've been using the MTG since 9/22 and I just started using the Mane and Tail (blue bottle) since last Saturday. Another thing I noticed was when I took down one braid, my hair had so much elasticity. I think this was from the MTG, but the Mane and Tail products may have helped me with the less shedding. I want to keep this regime to see how my hair will improve. Will keep every one posted.
That's great news! I don't think I got even 1 inch during the whole month I used MTG, but it did improve my hairline and edges