Restoring your hair after years of relaxers...


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

My mother use to have soft, coily 3c/4a hair, now after years of relaxers (like 20 years) it's very coarse (wirey) and brittle. I believe the term for this hair change is "scab hair". She's not interested in transitioning to natural, but what tips do you have for returning to her original healthy texture?

I think her hair dresser is using Affirm relaxer. Would she be better off with Phyto or a mild relaxer to give her scalp a break? She has some MSM that she bought for her arthritis, so I told her to take more of it. I also told her to keep the curling irons out, but with the wirey texture and short length her hair will stick straight out from her head without some heat.

What are your thoughts? I'd really like to help get her hair healthy again.

I look forward to your input.
Hi Jwhitley6,
I'm not sure anything will get her back to her natural texture other than staying away from relaxers. Sounds like her hair is begging for a break from the relaxers. Since it's already short it wouldn't take long for the relaxer to grow out. Maybe she'd consider a wig or weave and getting her hair cornrolled underneath and she could keep her hair well conditioned and moisturized. Tell her that she wouldn't have to stay natural but that it would be nice for her hair to have a break for awhile. She might be surprised how much she likes her natural hair, if not, at least she can get a fresh start and try another relaxer.

I'm sure you'll get lots of other good advice though, I am so not an expert. My mom's hair is short too and has thinned a lot from age, relaxers and coloring. She stopped getting relaxers as frequently and although I don't know if her hair texture changed, she definitely saw some growth. She also stopped coloring her hair and that helped a lot with her growth as well. As a matter of fact once she stopped coloring the texture of her gray hair went from wiry to silky. Don't know if your mom colors too. Oh also, tell her to make sure her hairdresser is using all of the steps for the Affirm, in the past ladies said that some stylists skip an important step that makes a big difference.

Good luck.
Thanks, Hopeful. I really think she should give her hair a break from the relaxer for a while. She's retired now, so it's not like she has to have her hair "styled" everyday sitting around the house. She's uses some hair peices that look cute, but actual break her hair more. Maybe I can find a nice wig for her. She's such a beautiful woman, I want her hair to match her face.

I'm gonna confirm that her hair dresser is doing the relaxer right as well...Thanks for the tips.:)
hopeful said:
Hi Jwhitley6,
I'm not sure anything will get her back to her natural texture other than staying away from relaxers. Sounds like her hair is begging for a break from the relaxers. Since it's already short it wouldn't take long for the relaxer to grow out. Maybe she'd consider a wig or weave and getting her hair cornrolled underneath and she could keep her hair well conditioned and moisturized. Tell her that she wouldn't have to stay natural but that it would be nice for her hair to have a break for awhile. She might be surprised how much she likes her natural hair, if not, at least she can get a fresh start and try another relaxer.

I agree! When I was relaxed the texture of my hair was horrible. Now that I'm completely my hair is soft and healthy
Hair texture does change with age, especially when grey grows in. Plus, I think Affirm is a mild relaxer (to me). Maybe she can follow your regimen.
There is hope!

1 - MSM will change the texture of her hair. I have watched my 4b hair curl up at the root from taking this stuff and people actually thing I have “good hair” ha! Go figure.

2 - She will have to create a good regimen. There are so many really good regimens floating around here it will be so easy to create. I can say for sure that CW will really help her out a lot.

3 - Advise her to stretch her relaxer. I have been doing it and my hair is a lot stronger for it.

4 - Check out a few FOTKI pages. This is the most knowledgeable web page on earth for our hair. Sistaslick has a really good one. You will have to PM her for her password.

5 - Stay away from heat. At least until her hair is strong enough

There is HOPE!
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jwhitley6 said:
Hey ladies,

My mother use to have soft, coily 3c/4a hair, now after years of relaxers (like 20 years) it's very coarse (wirey) and brittle. I believe the term for this hair change is "scab hair". She's not interested in transitioning to natural, but what tips do you have for returning to her original healthy texture?

I think her hair dresser is using Affirm relaxer. Would she be better off with Phyto or a mild relaxer to give her scalp a break? She has some MSM that she bought for her arthritis, so I told her to take more of it. I also told her to keep the curling irons out, but with the wirey texture and short length her hair will stick straight out from her head without some heat.

What are your thoughts? I'd really like to help get her hair healthy again.

I look forward to your input.
My mother says her grays grow in wiry and weird. When it comes to older women I think it's a mistake to attribute ALL changes in their hair to relaxer damage. Age, menopause, diet, medication, illness, and graying can all make hair fragile. If she wants to keep her hair straight and sleek I would definitely recommend Phyto. It doesn't burn or damage the scalp. But make sure the stylist does a strand test. Phyto doesn't work for everyone.
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Remember as you age your hair also changes. So her aging along with relaxers may be the problem. She should try natural because it could in fact be the chemicals or it could be age. She will never know unless she tries.
MonaRae said:
There is hope!

1 - MSM will change the texture of her hair. I have watched my 4b hair curl up at the root from taking this stuff and people actually thing I have “good hair” ha! Go figure.
A woman said this to me in the BBS and I looked over my shoulder to see who she was talking too. :lachen:
She is on meds for her arthritis and blood pressure....sometimes asthma/bronchitis. I know the meds are starting to affect her hair now. She's kind of a hypochondriac. I've trying to have her get healthier but she's lazy too. I love my mother dearly, but I wish she'd do better.

I bought her a membership to Curves last year, and she did really well for a couple of months. She lost about 20 lbs. Then she started having a little knee pain, stopped going, continued eating and put the weight back on. I told her "the shoulder bone is not connected to the knee bone, you can still work out"....but no. Now her knee pain is worse than ever because she weighs more than ever.....let me stop venting.:(
jwhitley6 said:
She is on meds for her arthritis and blood pressure....sometimes asthma/bronchitis. I know the meds are starting to affect her hair now. She's kind of a hypochondriac. I've trying to have her get healthier but she's lazy too. I love my mother dearly, but I wish she'd do better.

I bought her a membership to Curves last year, and she did really well for a couple of months. She lost about 20 lbs. Then she started having a little knee pain, stopped going, continued eating and put the weight back on. I told her "the shoulder bone is not connected to the knee bone, you can still work out"....but no. Now her knee pain is worse than ever because she weighs more than ever.....let me stop venting.:(
Wow, are mothers sound cut from the same clothe, except mine never used the Curves membership I got her. :( I'm sorry, I know how frustrating it is when they seem to just give up. I've tried everything short of moving in preparing all her meals and threatening not to feed her if she doesn't take a walk w/ me.