Restoration What is it?


New Member
I've seen people in church mess up and brought before the church but I've never seen anybody restored.

I've seen people leave the church for what ever reason and then years later rejoin.

Have anybody ever seen anybody restored in the body of Christ without them having to rejoin the church if they did not leave the church?

Just wondering is restoration taking place these days.

Thanks in advance for any responses.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "re-join"... once you are a member of God's church, no one can remove you from it (but God)... you may go the wrong path, but Godly sorrow and repentance brings you close to him again.
Could you please tell me where the terms rejoin and restoration come from? Is this something taught at your church?
I've seen people in church mess up and brought before the church but I've never seen anybody restored.

I've seen people leave the church for what ever reason and then years later rejoin.

Have anybody ever seen anybody restored in the body of Christ without them having to rejoin the church if they did not leave the church?

Just wondering is restoration taking place these days.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Yes, I have. I don't want to go into details, but it was a youth pastor who messed around with a 17 year old. He was married and his wife was expecting. Long story really short, he was rebuked in front of the church, didn't leave the church and has been restored because of the love of the people to him. He is a greater witness today because of it.

I have other stories about people who have been restored, but I won't go into it now.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "re-join"... once you are a member of God's church, no one can remove you from it (but God)... you may go the wrong path, but Godly sorrow and repentance brings you close to him again.
Could you please tell me where the terms rejoin and restoration come from? Is this something taught at your church?

Yes Gal 6:1 says:
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

I know people that have fallen and the pastor withdrew the right hand of fellowship from the individual but they didn't stay at the church they left so that's why I was asking about how does one be restored if they do not leave the church.

I've seen young ladies that have been pregnant and brought before the church, but once the baby comes they are not brought back before the church and nothing is ever said.

For some reason this has been heavy on me about restoring people and I'm just asking those that might have been a part of a ministry that had this in place.
Yes, I have. I don't want to go into details, but it was a youth pastor who messed around with a 17 year old. He was married and his wife was expecting. Long story really short, he was rebuked in front of the church, didn't leave the church and has been restored because of the love of the people to him. He is a greater witness today because of it.

I have other stories about people who have been restored, but I won't go into it now.


This is a good example, was he removed from his position for a season? Was he brought back in front of the church. I've seen the rebuke, I'm just trying to understand the restoring part since I've never seen that part take place, or maybe it takes place in the pastor's office.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense.