Reset Your Presets


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Tuesday, January 06, 2009 • Print Article
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Reset Your Presets
Shaun King
Here's what I know.

Even though we're just a few days in to 2009, many of you reading this have already started to lose hope that this year will mean anything different or better for you than any other year.
I think I know why and God is willing and able to give you a swift kick in the behind to help you understand what I'm about to say.
Because your buttons, your knobs, your controls, your habits, your ways, your strategies are all PRESET to maintain the same old stuff in your life, when you start to think about doing things differently you never quite get to the level of actually doing things differently because you keep falling back into deeply entrenched strongholds.
Don't get me wrong - set goals, make resolutions, write out your vision and make it plain, but you're not lacking in the dreams and goals department. You have enough business plans and imaginative ministry ideas for ten people. What you need to do if you are really doggone serious about making this year the best year of the rest of your life is RESET YOUR PRESETS!
I know. I know. A few of you have everything in your life together and all you need on your path to perfection is a few minor adjustments. You can stop reading here because the rest of what I'm about to say is not for you.
What most of us need if we are going to walk in to the plans God has for us is not a little tinkering, we need to push the reset button and change the entire way we do business.
Is the computer you're reading this from slow?
If not, we've all had a slow computer at one time or another.
Too many files have built up on the hard drive.
Too much junk is clogging up the speed and effectiveness of the processors.
You may even have spam or a few viruses on there.
You could tinker with it all night long, but guess what?
It's painful, but sometimes the ONLY thing you can do to save a slow computer is to completely reset the entire thing to its original factory settings.
Some memories may be lost, but when the computer is back running again, you're always glad you made the tough decision to reset it.
Will you allow the Lord to reset YOU in this New Year? Give the God of Revelation 21:5 that said, "Behold, I make all things new" the authority to not just make minor adjustments, but to turn your life upside down for Him!
That's when real change will begin to happen. God Bless You!