Requesting Prayer

Ms Red

Well-Known Member
Please pray for me and my mom...

I am new to the site and I just wanted to share my testimony and ask for prayer requests:

I am from Texas and have been living in Pennsylvania for almost 6 yrs now (this includes 4 years in college). My dad passed away (he was 53) in October and since January I have been financially supporting my mom (who is still in Texas). Although I am not the only child (I have two older brothers- 38yrs. old and 37 yrs. old), I am the only one helping because I have the best job, no children, youngest (I am 25), etc. My brothers have tried to use my mom financially, not HELP her (one of my brothers "borrowed 2,000 from her in January and has yet to pay her back).

Along with my rent (over 750 per month), my utilities, car payment, insurance and student loans, I am also sending my mom money weekly just to get her through. I can only afford to send about $950 per month and that's not enough for her to live on and her house note. To "remy" this, I have recently gotten a part time job to help raise money for my mom's mortgage. So I am working from 7-3 at a pharmaceutical company as a scientist and from 4-10 at a hospital. But God is so good! Even though I have been doing this, God has been holding me up through all of it. Through the 16 hour days and applying to medical school, God has given me strength that I did not know I had in me. He gave me a great boyfriend who is also helping out financially and has no qualms about it. In fact, he urges me to be there for my mom. I know that God will continue to be there for my mom and me, but I need prayers.

Right now she is searching for a job and I know that she will get one. Just wanted to share my testimony and praise God! If yall could, please pray that she can get a job and help pay her bills. I am scared that our house might be foreclosed but I do have faith.

Thank you! :)
God is able to meet all your needs!! I will pray that God eases your family's financial burden, that your mom finds employment so that she can live comfortably and that God strengthens and refreshes you as you strive to be there for her. Forgive your brothers and let them do their own thing, you will have blessings heaped upon you as you honor your mother. Good luck and God bless. :)
Father I pray in the name of Jesus that you will meet this families needs we pray Lord for restoration and that You will provide an increase. We know God that you can do everything but fail. Keep this mother in daughter in palm of your hand and bless even now with the needed finance. We know God you are bigger than the problem. Provide of job that is needed only You know God all things and we have faith inspite of what we see that You can do it. In Jesus Name AMEN :)
star said:
Father I pray in the name of Jesus that you will meet this families needs we pray Lord for restoration and that You will provide an increase. We know God that you can do everything but fail. Keep this mother in daughter in palm of your hand and bless even now with the needed finance. We know God you are bigger than the problem. Provide of job that is needed only You know God all things and we have faith inspite of what we see that You can do it. In Jesus Name AMEN :)

Amen!!! God is able!
star said:
Father I pray in the name of Jesus that you will meet this families needs we pray Lord for restoration and that You will provide an increase. We know God that you can do everything but fail. Keep this mother in daughter in palm of your hand and bless even now with the needed finance. We know God you are bigger than the problem. Provide of job that is needed only You know God all things and we have faith inspite of what we see that You can do it. In Jesus Name AMEN :)

Amen! God will do what you ask of Him in faith!