Renpure Argan Oil Poo/Condish/Reconstructing Review


Well-Known Member
For the price, this line is hard to beat. As soon as I put the poo on my hair I knew it would be moisturizing. I'm 10 weeks post relaxer and after rinsing the poo from my hair, it felt so awesome, and soft. I then co-washed with the conditioner and that was the icing on the cake. The best is yet to come; the Reconstructor is the BOMB. I kept it on my hair for 30 minutes with a plastic cap and when I rinsed and combed my hair, there wasn't ONE hair in the comb. My hair felt extremely strong, just overall different, and moisturized. But not having any hair in the comb was a first for me. I would buy the Reconstructor again in a heartbeat!!
Thanks for the review! I have used one of their products in the recent past and I loved it. I will at least try the conditioner if I can find it locally.
I didn't know they came out w/new products. I already love their Amazing Miracle Deep Penetrating Reconstructor. I will definitely try the Argan Oil Reconstructor.